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A member registered Oct 31, 2022

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No, going for that path I only get Rat Cyril joining me, and nothing else. The Rat King stays.  Spit-roating Cyril only leaves him at the rat's den, not unlike what happens with the Guardian, though the Rat King joins me in the latter scenario.

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Is there a way of get both Rat Cyril and the Rat King in the Sanctuary? So far I've only able to get either Rat Rohan + normal Cyril + Rat King,  Captive Guardian (not in Sanctuary)+ normal Cyril + Rat King, enslaved Rat Cyril (not in Sanctuary) + Rat King and Rat Cyril with no Rat King.

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Since when lack of interest/dissapointment means hatred? Or is ceaseless praise the only input allowed here?

If you enjoy the route as it is, good for you and anyone who thinks that way. But I came in hoping for a M/M VN, so my expectations kinda deflated on this route. If it were a side route with a side character (like the skunk woman seems to be) I wouldn't have the slightest issue except the odd irk about dates. Mind you, I even find some of the (actual) guys (namely Mark and Etienne) not much of my liking.

Also, there's nothing inherently wrong on putting a character like Hiro in stage. But I must repeat myself, why, of all reasons, his route was set at the height of the militaristic Imperial Japan era. The goddamn 30s, for crying out loud. While not impossible, is REALLY improbable. Every other character has a realistic background, except Hiro.

Oh, so I don't have the right to be dissapointed, then? It's more of a personal preferences thing, than anything else.

Hiro still has appeal from a narrative standpoint, if anything.

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Whatever the case...I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one highly dissapointed by Hiro's condition. There's more people companining about it, albeit I'm the only one that is not...well, cowed into faking at least some enthusiasm on the matter.

All in all, it seems like his situation seems a bit forced in, to have that sort of character in the history just for the sake of it. While on its own doesn't detract (nor adds) to his personality, it still feels out of place at the mid 30s.

I probably overlooked that. I always associate the term "experimental" in surgeries with cancer, life-threatening injuries or congenital issues.

Though, there is a small issue *coughs and hums* that must be noticed even if we ignore the primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Unless male and female foxes just happen to have the same pitch of voices.

With all this said, that doesn't makes my dissapointment smaller. What is done, is done, since it was the writer's prerrogative after all.

As I said below, my main issue is the dates. His route seems to happen in a decade where that sort of surgeries weren't practiced, not even in backwater...odd locations.

If it happened on the 50s or later, it would be a non-issue. As it is, seems like his condition was just shoehorned in.

And while assuredly, there's more in than what's between each character legs, I think that here's the issue that we simply didn't get what was advertised on the box.

I'm gonna be clear on something. Not because a character is male I'll mean that I'll automatically like him. For example, as it is now, I really dislike Etienne and Mark, and Ken, well, I can't say for sure. However, I really liked the skunk woman, albeit in a non-NSFW way.

You have your right to speak your mind. There's nothing wrong with that.

And, dissapointment? I won't mince my words: after this update my interest in Hiro dropped to zero, sadly. I may follow the route just for the writing, tho.

This update made Hiro drop a few places in several people's list it seems.

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I was kinda hoping the chest wound was some work-related injury, and both the hips and "smell" thing some related to foxes and the like.

Honestly, I feel a lot like when Shang fell in love with Ping...only to realize that he had been deceived and that the "he" was actually a "she".

And my major issue is how...out of place his...particular situation seems to be. That sort of surgeries are from the 50's onwards. Seeing it on the mid-30s (the zeppelins around make it impossible being a later date) is a bit hard to believe.

All of this makes his condition feel a bit forced and quite shoehorned in, as it makes no sense, at least in that specific date. If his route were to take place, say, on the 70s, it wouldn't be an issue.