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A member registered Apr 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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I really like the idea of this game. The intro was a pretty quick introduction to the setting, then in the rooms I actually enjoyed the game. I wish there were more rooms and puzzles, because right now it's mostly "pick this up and immediately use it", so some more puzzle aspects would be well appreciated here. After leaving the cages the game goes pretty low for me, that sequence in the office does not really fit for me and the ending is too obvious, when this is not the first game you play.
All in all it was a fun experience and I'd like to see mroe of the cages stuff with more rooms and more puzzles, please.
Well done, developers. :)

thanks for mentioning, I will have a look :)

Don't be too hard on yourself here.
The game was good and most of us gamers did not have game-breaking bugs but found an interesting setting in the world of SCP, a few good puzzles and had much fun with your game.Yes, there were minor imperfections (like me not finding the key inside the bible), but that was on me, cause I'm not looking good enough for things like this.

For the voice acting, I'm sure a lot of gamers here on itch would be pleased to help in such cases. What gamer doesn't dream of having his/her voice in a videogame?

I'm looking forward to play even more games from you, with 2 out of 3 games were good and the third one still needs to be played.
Keep going like you already do and I'm sure there will be even more fun games from you :)

I liked the short game, though I was pretty blind and needed too long to find where I had to go. I pretty much ran in front of that place like 20 times :D
The end was pretty nice. No real jumpscare and that's a big plus here, when everyone expects a cheap jumpscare it's nice not to have one :)
Nice work.

I have to admit that I did not really understand the story.
The husband left us, because he could not handle us anymore and our daughter is dead because of I don't know why, but there were no traces that any violence was used against her?
Who's that in the bathtub?

Also for extra mentioning "UE5" there were many blurry items like the books and such stuff, I would not advertise it with UE5 especially.

Maybe I just did not understand the whole story, but unfortunately I was not very impressed by this game.
It only lasted around half an hour, so that might be the reason for the short story parts.
I really liked the idea of a mother that falls into paranoia though, very good idea for a setting.

that's great to hear, I am definitely down to explore more in that game. I keep looking forward to play more of your games.

Good work :)

Nice game, though it does not really show something new. I would have liked some minor activities like something laying on the counter that was not there before or maybe muddy footsteps in the diner, after the player brought out a trash bag or some other clues, that someone might be around.  Would have been more intense while doing the tasks. The noises and the footsteps were too random in my opinion and the end was very sudden.
All together a good start and I hope there will be more about that game, if this was jsut a prologue :)

I am absolutely unfamiliar with the SCP stuff and only read a few of them randomly. This one was pretty good and made a great setup for a game.
I was stuck at finding the padlock key and had to look that up, because I absolutely did not see where to get that from, but that's on me. I am rather bad at puzzles and looking too closely.
Nice game :)
(1 edit)

I like the game so far. The atmosphere is really eerie, when walking through the corridors. The steps seem a little bit off, so I often looked around if something walks behind me, mimicing my steps and always being one step too late when I stop. Alongside with the other sound effect it sounded like something is crawling behind the wall, ready to jump at me. I absolutely liked that feeling.

Not so sure about the notes I found and giving the things created by the Old Ones too much culture rather than just being created to worship the Old Ones. Yes, there were some kind of strange cities mentioned by Lovecraft, but I would not make them too similar to mankind with their colonizing and stuff.

Maybe there is an easier way for the equipment. I found it pretty impractical with the wheel, maybe just add quickslots on the bottom screen. Yes, we can already use quickslots, but would be even easier to use when you see what you got with you directly. On the other hand I really like that there is no HUD at all and you can totally focus on the environment and atmosphere.

Looking forward for a full game, I will definitely play that.
Keep doing such good work here.

The game can be completed in like 2 minutes, but that does not make it boring.
I liked it, but I think it would be even better being chased by Jason throughout looking for the car key.
More cabins would be a good idea too, since there are only three or four across the map, so you would have to be more careful when checking them, while you're being chased.

Nice game. I'm looking forward to find out what's going on with Samantha and how the date will end. :)

I am aware that you are a single developer, but there are definitely bugs (like Syrachio attacking from another floor) and a few missed opportunities (I mentioned the different characters of the dolls, that are in no way used beside the same jumpscares over and over). This has nothing to do with needing the game to be AAA (in fact I play a lot of indie games and I like them) and I don't expect a perfect game, but I will give an honest review of games that I played. There are very nice ideas in this game and I liked the atmosphere, I am sure you will continue making good games.

The Martha's Dolls demo was promising with a very eerie atmosphere and some pretty nice graphics that added to that eerie feeling.

Unfortunately, the finished game didn't convince me.

The game can basically be completed in half an hour, there is actually no story (Martha wants to kill her monster dolls, but the monster dolls kill Martha - still a better love story than Twilight), the few puzzles are "look two rooms further for the key or the combination for the safe", the jump scares become foreseeable pretty fast and the dolls themselves are basically not used at all.

Actually, nothing about the game convinced me and even the €5-6 the devs were asking for are too much. It has neither story nor real horror and the puppets could have been integrated much better, plus the cheap jump scares, which were mostly completely predictable.

I also can't understand why the player has this video camera with them. You can see better without it, the batteries are empty within seconds and when you die, the collected batteries remain in your inventory, which means that if you die several times (like me because of a bug) your inventory will soon be full of them. As I said, you don't need this because you can actually see worse with the camera even with nightvision than without it.

The puppets were initially given different characteristics, but after that they were never used again except for Syrachio, because everyone had the same boring jump scares. Here you could have included a short stealth section for Syrachio, a hide-and-seek game with Fredie, who you have to find before he gets too impatient, or a short running away sequence with Cecilia becoming hungry. Arthur could have been used a little as the leader of the dolls, who you have to convince with diplomacy or something like that in order to escape the house. Maybe you have to complete a task for him that he needs your help with, becuase only a human can to whatever he asks for.

I also had the bug that Syrachio kept killing me upstairs in the first room (the one next to the stairs), even though she was standing downstairs in the living room, meaning I had to play this entire section easily five times after entering the house.

There a some very good ideas, but the game feels very rushed in it's current state.

Video of my gameplay to see the bugs I encountered
(2 edits)

I just played the demo and encountered some bugs.

- I had 15 ammo loaded in the gun and picked up one extra bullet, then after reloading I had 15 bullets in the gun and the extra bullet was gone.
- reloading seems buggy in general. Later I had like three bullets in the gun and one extra, after reload I had 15 bullets again.
- Are those whole magazines? If so, please make that a little clearer.
- When standing wit the back to a wall really close, it's very had to see anything. I entered a new room and wanted to check for Zombies, but I could not see anything, because the camera was much too close.
- The brightness setting does not really work. I chenged it and mostly it did not change anything, once it just brighted everything to be much too bright.
- After being in the library and opening the next door, there was a Zombie in the room, so I shot at him, but the bullets did not do anything and the Zombie not even attacked me, as if the door was still closed. Just after entering the room, the Zombie attacked me and the shots hit.
- I had a few times, when bullets did not hit, because the Zombie was too close to me and running against me.
- Zombies move much too fast. Once they start running, they are really hard to hit.
- In general the game is much too dark. I know, it's supposed to be dark, because we are in some underground tunnels, but together with not being able to shoot enemies that are too close it's just annoying. Maybe a melee attack or something similar would help.
- After reading the letter about Ethan Sullivan the game just froze and I could not do anything.

Aside from those things the game looks promising, although I stopped playing after the game froze completely.
I will upload a video later, so you can see the problems there.
Looking forward for a full release maybe with some tweaking and bug fixing.
Good work so far :)

nice idea for a game and I really liked the twist at the end, but like others already stated the game is laggy as hell and I'm playing this on a RTX3080 & Ryzen 7 3700X, so the hardware should not be a problem.

very short, but it was okay

I would prefer Santa not to come, when he's a monster killer, but it was actually fun. I expected something like running from the false Santa and having to use the toys as some kind of defense, when the killer runs over them. That would have made it harder to decide which to choose, when you want to get past them as Santa, but don't want the killer to get past them easily too. Maybe that's an idea for a sequel? ;)

I liked the game, especially the Santa hats look nice on the NPCs. The dog makes me uncomfortable, when he's looking at me he seems to be angry. Maybe I forgot to feed him that night?
I had a bug at the final fight, when I died (sudden an invisible wall stopped  me) and after restart the final boss was just killed, although he had almost half his lifebar when I died.
Aside from that, nice idea to make it a little christmas-like :)

Very short, but nice as a starter for a christmas menu ;)
(3 edits)

I really liked this small game.
The graphic design is awesome and I love the slight comical look of the game. Not quite sure what some items are used for in the game (trap & music box), but the other stuff is selfexplaining. Also not sure about the Wendigo, because sometimes it lost my track, other times it just followed me all the time, so staying out of sight did not always work.
I experienced a bug when I wanted to use the ladders to get down from that tower again, because I was stuck on it and had to restart the game, but aside from that no problems.
Nice game!

Thanks for watching, the game was pretty much fun in general.
Yes, that space key really annoyed me, especially because I mostly clicked it mid-fight :D
The game took more time than I expected, but that was a really good thing and I was sort of stupid at the beginning not realizing where to go, but that's a common thing in my gameplay.

Here's part 2 of the game:

and the final part:

Nice game, but I the attacks charge too slow and make too less damage, while the enemies are bulletsponges. Would be more fun with some faster gameplay and not having to deal minutes when a group of enemies attacks at once.
Should be faster in general, more like a christmas doom.

Gave the gave a chance and I really liked it.
Looking out for more to play and hopefully a full release of this.

I tested the game, though I usually don't really play those farming games. It felt strangely familiar, as if I had seen the game years ago.

I think I did not understand whatever the story of this was...

finally some gameplay

Gave this game a chance and after a few tries I can say that it's quite fine. I did not really understand how the monster works, but with a little try and error you can get a grip on that.
Nice work here.
(1 edit)

v0.0.2 gameplay

Much better than the first version, but I had a few problems with zombies trying to use doors. Sometimes it came in handy, so I just dodged by blocking them behind a door :D

Finally made it to the final(?) boss, but still have no clue how to deal with him. Will have to figure out whether to shoot him, lock him in any room or just dodge him by running away trying to find the escape location.

After a few pretty stupid deaths (that was on me and mindlessly hasting through) I took that as some kind of speedrun challenge. When I will beat the game, I might try to set up my best time for it :D
You could make a challenge for players posting their best time with a screenshot.

Looking forward to the v0.0.3 changes and how zombies move more freely now.

Rocket zombies sounds like a very good trash movie like Sharknado :D
oh okay, that's what that option is for. I did not notice any changes while trying those buttons, but okay.
I will have a look for all the changes probably later this day

(1 edit)

you are so fast with updates 😱

I will try it again tomorrow, finally want to complete the game and set my personal completion time (nice idea with the counter in the top right corner).

Aww, those rocket launches from killed zombies will no longer jumoscare me :D

btw what do the "graphic changes" do? There are buttons assigned to it, but I did not notice any changes while trying.

Thank you very much for the update, I just tested it and it's working now.
I can set the resolution and the flashlight can be found now too.

That door bug made me play from the start more than a few times :D
Thought it's even funny somehow always dying to one of those normal zombies, because I could not figure out when they get through the door and when they keep being stuck :D

(2 edits)

phew, that Update was huge.
Head bobbing still way too much, but not having the wind sounds and the new gun sounds are a big plus.
I made it to the boss zombie this time (a few times actually), but my main enemy were doors. The zombies get stuck in opened doors and I have to approach them from different angles, because I can't even shot them most of the time, when they are stuck there.
I will render and upload a video to show you. I did not manage to complete the game, but it is so much better than the first version. Great work!
This is the first video I recorded 3 days ago right before giving my review here:

The new video is currently uploading.

Part 2 of episode 1:

Sounds good. You can be sure that I will play them too. :)

At this point I would say this is my game of the year.
Looking at what AAA studios release and comparing this with this amazing experience done by just one developer freaks me out. The atmosphere, sound, story, everything is top notch. I even had to stop a few times while playing to take screenshots (the one I use as thumbnail is my desktop wallpaper now).
I can't wait for episode two and I think that one will be even better than the first one.
Very glad that there were no cheap jumpscares used to build that dark and eerie atmosphere, which goes perfectly with the sounddesign. More than once I looked around if anything is walking around me, because I hear something from the side.
I would recommend this game to everyone who likes creepy surroundings and some mysteries to be solved.
Will play this episode again a few times just to look around even more and I guess I missed a few places before going through that wall, so there might be even more discoveries for me.

Keep up the good work and I will watch the upcoming episodes with great interest.
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you're awesome! I will play it today, because I really want to know what's going to happen next after I ran into that bug.

Maybe it has something to do with my resolution? My monitor is set to 3440x1440 and the ingame settings menu looks like this:

I can't even change the resolution to anything else than 640x480.