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A member registered Jun 21, 2021

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Page 11, under the Glimpse the Cave section: it says "poitn" instead of point :]

glad to see more fonts support eliki, easily one of my favorite nimisin!

so excellent!! reading this inspires me to explore an old horror project of mine. thank you.

Do you think you'd ever add more community copies?

Naming the Nameless is probably one of my favorite essays, ever. It's just so beautiful. I appreciate Corpus a lot too, but Naming the Nameless just hits so hard.

Thank you <3

Hello! Sorry if this is overstepping, but could you replenish the community copies? This seems like the perfect game to get one of my friends into RPGs with.


(1 edit)

    I'm not a designer of the game, I haven't even read the rules, and I'm really only on here to send to my friend who likes Hollow Knight, but I can probably answer your question; No.

    One of the bigger appeals of d6 games is that almost anyone can use it. It's a lot easier to convince someone to play a TTRPG if they use a common 6 sided dice. Mainly because they aren't worried about the number of sides of a dice, and also buying a bunch of polyhedral dice can be really expensive, and people don't have the time or resources to try and get them. If you really want to play the system with the standard 7-set dice than go ahead and hack it! I'm not sure how easy it would be, but I'm sure it's at least possible.

    As for the class system, I very strongly doubt they'll straight up add something like that, if they wanted it they would've included it when designing it. The D&D class system can be fun, it has it's merits and all that, but invokes a specific style of play; of less skill and strategy based, and more accumulation and growth based. Not inherently bad, just probably not what they're looking to add in a Hollow Knight RPG.

    Anyways, looking from the comment, it seems like your new to the TTRPG scene. Welcome! I don't speak to many of the members, but the few I've talked to are really nice. I implore you to stay around and read some more games! TTRPGs are one of the most beautiful and interesting forms of art, and I'm glad to see someone expanding their horizons. :]

I haven't checked Itch in a while, but yesterday, when I logged on and checked my feed, I absolutely smirked when I saw Splat 3 came out. I just finished it, and my god was this a good edition!!  Maxwell Lander's essay was a favorite for me, and it changed the way I see RPG design. Thank you so much, to the Splat team, for releasing this marvelous zine. 


I am so glad I found a fucking Magnus Archives fan-game, what is this timeline

Aside from the fan-girling, I liked this game! I thought it was real neat, but maybe having misc. items being dug up would add to the unsettlingness.

After playing the cut ending, I have just this to say to DancingEngie:

Thank you. That was genuinely beautiful and heartfelt. I had more laughs then I thought I would, and finding all of the endings felt nostalgic in a weird way. While I thought all of them were great, the cut ending really spoke to me. I've been wanting to pursue game dev, but I've been caught up over what I want to do, telling myself I don't have the talent. But that ending genuinely helped me more than you could know.