Thanks :D
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Maybe it's as it should be and I'm just in the wrong. I just wanted to see what tutorials was included, so I thought a link should take me there. But if that was the actual link, it should refer to the source code 😅
I guess it's for all tutorials at: x )
Hej Ryvy
Alt som du har tilladelse til at bruge licensmæssigt må du gerne bruge. Så hvis det er noget du har lavet eller købt dig til (eller licensen bare er så alle kan bruge det) så er det helt fint. Tænker også (uden at have læst licensen) at unity 2D kit er i orden.
Der hvor der ikke er i orden er f. Eks at bruge sprites fra spil som super Mario og andre copyrighted spil man ikke har licens til :)
I wish I had a screenshot of it. It's all in danish though, but I'll try as per memory:
"hvem der lavede spillet" (who made the game)
"Kontaktperson som vil ringes op" (Contactperson is the keyword here, the rest im not sure if accurate)
"Hvilke temaer brugte i?" (what themes were used)
"Skal vi lave et jam igen årligt? " (Should we make a game yearly? the keyword is probably "årligt" here)
Hi yeah its the most recent one.
I'm sure I didn't remove anything from the fields area. I did edit the jam info during the event, but never touched those fields. And then all of a sudden they were gone.
I thought it could be a old tab in the browser without the fields where I accidently pressed apply to the jam. But the fields were added a long time ago, so that can't be true. People saw the fields until the submission deadline and then they were gone :(
I just had a gamejam this weekend and I made some customs fields for the submissions, like names of people who made the game and some questions etc.
But... they are gone. Suddenly *poof* gone. I have no idea how this happened. I heard someone who submitted a game that they were able to see other peoples answers to the custom fields and then suddenly they were gone.
I didn't remove anything from the jam page :S
Tjek ind på der er regler basereret på hvad vi dømmer på.
Hvis du tænker tema så er de postet i denne video: