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Thank you so much! For the lights look in the hints mby (in the Description). Try proximity of the last tower that remains :)

I really liked it. Left a comment and a rating. Thanks for this game!

Really liked it!!! I tried for a while now and didnt make it to the ending. I made shy above 40 meters tho :)) Everytime I thought I knew how to do it the level changed. But everytime, I wanted to try again. Well done!!!

Thank you so much. Absolutely loved yours too

huh that is weird. There should be a box at the bottom. Great job figuring out the clock hands tho. Most people seem to think the first one is a sword (cant blame them haha). If you want to re-try, there are some hints in the description as I figured the game really needed some... Its always easy for the creator but I think I might have made it a bit too in-obvious.

left a comment ;) and a rating of course

Really cool idea. Maybe its a skill issue on my side but i really struggled to make it past the first platform. I did it a few times and died somewhere later haha. Loved the idea and the design tho. Great job!

Hi! Your link just leads to the main page with all submissions but you are the creator of Neon Striker right? I played it just half an hour ago and its absolutely amazing. Left you a beaming comment :))
For the lamp: There are some hints on the bottom of the description but here is the solution if you want it: You need two lamps the one on the far right and the one two places left from it. They go on the tower all the way to the right and you can only place them while standing on either the first moving platform on the right or on the lamp that it crosses. Hope that helps. The game has a builtin speedrunning route for the extra ambitious folks out there. Maybe you can find it ;) I think my record is somewhere in the 1min 10sec range or sth like that. Maybe you can beat it...

Really loved it!

The undoubtedly best interpretation of the theme so far i think! Loved it very much

Absolutely fricking amazing game! Couldnt stop and was sooooo glad when i finally beat the boss. 

Absolutely fricking love this game!!! I think I havent even played my own game for this long. Actually crazy how addicting it is to get over powered just to be put in your place by literally a hundred enemy ships. After act 1 my only fear was that that was it. Amazing game man!!! 
I have one question: The game allowed me to stack multiple items in one slot but i could never figure out if that actually applied these changes to the ship. Could I just stack 10 weapons in 1 slot?

Leave your link down below and I will check out your games! Really looking forward to playing some but cant decide witch i should play, so make the decision easy for me ;)

If you have the time, I would greatly appreciate some feedback on my game! Its the first I ever made and I am really excited to share it with the world. For Days Must End is a dream come true for me. I had a passion for both art and coding and now finally put them both together.
Enjoy ;)) !!!

There should be a hint popping up each time you pick up an item. Did that not work for you?

I really was looking forward to trying this ever since first seeing the cover image. Finally got to it. Really enjoyed the atmosphere, it creates something I too wanted to create in my game. If you have the time, I would greatly appreciate the feedback on "For Days Must End"

Really like it. Left a comment and a rating. 
If you want to check out my game, I am really happy with how it turned out. For Days Must End

I really liked the spin on the theme you took! Maybe have the camera placed a bit lower so that one can see the platform one want to land on. Otherwise, really fun game, left a rating for you of course ;)

Absolutely. I'll leave you a comment with my feedback. If you have the time, check out my game "For Days Must End". I would really appreciate the feedback

Ouuhhh really looking forward to that. If you have the time, i would really appreciate some feedback on "For Days Must End". Its my first ever game jam game, actually the first game ever I actually somewhat finished. Really looking on some feedback, what went well and what could be improved. 
Small disclaimer: It seams the game does not run in every browser, so far Firefox has not failed me, but chrome does seem to have the smoothest experience. If the background is all black, it is not working sadly, maybe try in another browser. :)) Looking forward to the stream

I just played and rated your game. Left you a comment too, a really cool game imo!
I would really appreciate the rate for my game, it is in need of some ratings :)) thank you so much!

Genuinely a cool concept. While a bit laggy for me, a really good interpretation of the theme

I really didnt want to like the game when starting it but it did make me laugh quite a lot. So actually well done bro!

I am about to play yours! Here is a link to mine if you want to check "For Days Must End" out

Really fun game. We couldnt stop playing! Especially the learning curve and the upgrades were well thought through

I really liked it! Left you a comment below the game. If you wanna check mine out, here is the link. Would be greatly appreciated

Absolutely loved it mate! And i think you did it in your home-made game engine right? Thats absolutely crazy. And great interpretation of the theme!

I really enjoyed the visuals! The music was masterfully done! I played on my laptop without a mouse which made aiming hard, definitely have to come back once a mouse is around

oh ok then im really sorry. It might be because the background drawings are rather big (5-10MB per layer), I should prbly compress those 🥲. If you have access to another computer with more RAM or another browser like firefox, you could try that but in my experience, chrome ran the best. If you get it fixed, i‘d be really interested on how :))

Much fun to you playing the game and all other games!

thank you so much

Haha yeah i dont know why this happens with HTML. When compiling it, it works, just html5 does not seem to support it. Sorry about this

yeah this seems to happen in some browsers. Playing in chrome should hopefully fix it. What browser did you play in, so far I only encountered this problem in brave. 

(1 edit)

Thank you so much! That means a lot

just googled it. It really does give a similar vibe. Thank you!! 

Really Liked it! Amazing design! Didnt quite figure out how to reload the canons but overall real fun!