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A member registered Oct 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey! I know about that, I just used codexes because it would be more easily understood by people like "oh plural of codex so this is where they are" while codices could've gotten a more "?" type of response lol. Thank you for the suggestion, I appreciate it.

(1 edit)

Hello! Thank you for pointing that out. I went and checked what it was and realized there is a coding error. If you picked "Do it, take your anger out on this room." instead of "Do it, it will be fun to see how Luceris will react." in chapter 2 then it should've shown the following instead of the "mess with him" part. ^^ I will have it fixed when I make a basic update to the demo soon!

MC is legally married to him unfortunately. If you've played chapter 3 then knowing this makes the options @ Luceris and Helios make more sense. ^^

If you haven't read the content warnings then I urge you to do so.

Hello! Thank you for your kind words, I am happy to know you enjoy this little story of mine! 💗 Could you tell me where exactly it says MC's favorite is hunting when that isn't the case for your MC?

Hello! I am glad you enjoyed it. 💗 Due to popular demand, light mode is back! It does start with dark mode so everyone will have to go to the settings and switch it. ^^ I'll take a look at that bath time bug later. :)

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it. 💗

Currently the demo doesn't have timed events! When I add it I'll put a setting to turn timed choices off. ^^

It will be in around 4 hours! Still a bit to go. 🫣

Thank you so much 💗 Just 4 days to go until public release! 🥳

No, it isn't dropped! My last devlog was in september (check it out if you haven't read the short stories yet!) and since 2024 did just start, I have only been quiet on here for 3-4 months LOL.

Chapter 3 will be coming in February. 😉

Thank you so much for your kind words! 💗

You will get more Lancelot lore in forms of side stories (that will be on a different file so not this page) and in his codex page which will come with Chapter 3!

And yes, you will get plenty of chances to fuck around. 😉

I hope you have a good day as well! 💗

Thank you! 💗 A love triangle isn't in the plans.

(1 edit)

Thank you! 💗

Luceris is not an RO, the situation would be frankly distasteful as he is more than 20 years older than MC at the beginning, killed their family, and kidnapped them.

Thank you so much! 💗

Thank you so much! 🥹💗 I'm thrilled that my words resonated with you and evoked a sense of nostalgia. It's always rewarding to know that my writing can transport someone to a different time or atmosphere.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Dae! Thank you for your kind words. 🥹💗

Did you make a new save, as in restart from the beginning? If you didn't then you should since the old saves don't work.

It is the same as 11 days ago, if there was a new update I'd make a devlog about it! I just fixed some choices that were leading to the wrong passages.

I advice you to download the saves so they don't disappear.

Hopefully someday they'll be happy! 💗

So happy you enjoyed the new chapter, thank you for your support! 💗

Thank you!

Aaa thank you! Glad to be the source of your entertainment. 💗

Sure! Just don't do the same colors please :)

aaa thank you so much! 🥹🥹

Thank you! MC truly deserves better :(

Thank you! Unfortunately (or fortunately 👀) they won't be kissing 🤭

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!

Thank you!

The music was so important, I think it really sets the tone. Thank you!

Thank youuu 🥹

Aaaaa omg I'm so happy you enjoyed it! 😭 So honored that this IF is your first and that you had a good experience 🫶

I loved this so much!!

Thank you so much! 💗

I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out since I'm planning on adding more content to the current demo.

Since chapter 3 has another timeskip to when MC is 18-20, I decided on adding playable short stories that are set before it mainly because I want MC's relationships with the others to have more substance.

I want to include options for MC to have a childhood crush on either Hunter or Fadiya. Due to the timeskips it would feel rather out of nowhere if I didn't include some content in between the timeskips.

Thank you so much! 💗

This is so sweet. Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your experience playing my IF! Your anticipation and attention mean the world to me. Your support is invaluable, and I'll strive to polish and enhance the experience even further. Thank you again for believing in the story I'm striving to tell. 💗

Thank you so much 🥹🥹💗

Mission accomplished 🥰

THANK YOUUU! Makes me very happy that you enjoyed it 💗

Hi! I talked about that on my tumblr blog.

Here is the link to the post with some of the unhealthy coping mechanisms I was thinking of. The healthy coping mechanisms will mainly be hobbies.