Could you elaborate? You might be thinking of another IF lol.
I also feel crazy cause not the Helios thing but another part of the story im like why this isnt the same, wheres the thing? (like specific event thing), went to look at updates see if maybe removed or someone else said something. and i saw your comment and im like huh weird we both remembering something that isnt there.
well finished it and still didnt see what i remembered and now im thinking theres another one im like mixing together in my head and i looked through all my favorited for like text-based games and i cant find it. XD so im like did i dream it? i also faintly remember artwork for it again i looked at all the favorited and i like even separate into different folders so should of been easier to find and nope.
so yeah so odd. hopefully we both find the one we are mixing up with this one haha
I mistake this story for Fallen Lights by Dakota all the time because it has a similar cast setup with a Prince and traveling, etc. And you can kiss both the Prince and the first introduced female companion in the chapters that have been released. You also grow up with MC so while they are different they flow similarly. I like them both though :)