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A member registered Sep 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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Very much could have leaned into the fantasy theme. lol, thanks for the comment!!  I will take that into account as I continue to work on it.

Very detailed submission. I like that you explained your process of how you created your assets. The how and why of your character Rhiza and the mechanics in a game you would build around them. Your game explanation is a good example of how a video game's game play does not need to be aggressive~ I find it very insightful, especially for an isometric tactics game. I come from a background of playing mostly console games. So I assume  things like Vandal Hearts, Final Fantasy Tactics, Front Mission 3, Saiyuki: Journey West. I enjoyed seeing your physical art transformed into the sprites. It helps to remind me how much of my own personal art I can incorporate and use~ a way of grounding myself to a process and flow of working that I can develop for my own self. This provided me the most value out of joining this event and I wasn't even expecting that. Being a part of this jam personally broadened my perspective of what others go through when creating art for games. Thanks for sharing!

(1 edit)

Those spiders in the first level are kicking my butt! lol. I found it difficult to kill them because the monk used random attacks and I never knew if he was going to punch or kick. I'm also bad with the keyboard functions though to be honest -___-  I think if the monk moved faster, it would be helpful as well defining an attack pattern or identifying which kind of attack the monk will use instead of a random one. The spider comes from above and the fist is not so effective, I thought versus the kick that may come out and knock the spider away from landing on me. [I suggest having a couple key inputs and assigning the different attacks those keys) I will keep playing in the meantime to see how far I can get. I did not reach a check point so I have some training to do as the guardian. I really enjoyed the presentation of the story the most, the cut scene intro and the dialogue! The graphics and music tie together nicely as cohesive elements. I look forward to getting further if I can get past the first level.