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A member registered Aug 10, 2017

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(1 edit)

Okay I didnt see that thanks for the dope reply man, Could not have been politer. But i still think that a game like this should run smoother, I can run games like rainbow at medium low settings with solid 50 frames, h1z1 medium settings solid 60,. on this game im hitting 20 - 50 depending where im looking. I am not sure if its me or the game, but im more confident in saying its the game.

Maybe there soemthing else i can do to increase fps, im already pre much lowest settings with low resolution windowed mode.

I would like to see armour implemented,maybe you can put items on shelves and the people would just come in buy it and leave, unless they dont see what they want already made, maybe the ability to melt ingots and fuse them into compunds.But the biggest issue for me right now is performance, i beleive that the performance should be better if possible, the graphics look like they are easily runnable, but dont run well. Just some little suggestions, i love the game though, great work! :)

For the graphics of the game, i think it should run a little bit better, i can easily run mroe demanding games on low medium settings, but even on the lowest in this game, im hitting 30-15 ish frames, except near cave where it ramps to 40 or 50.I think the developer should try his best to make the game run smoother, im sure its possible, anyone else have running issues?