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I would like to see armour implemented,maybe you can put items on shelves and the people would just come in buy it and leave, unless they dont see what they want already made, maybe the ability to melt ingots and fuse them into compunds.But the biggest issue for me right now is performance, i beleive that the performance should be better if possible, the graphics look like they are easily runnable, but dont run well. Just some little suggestions, i love the game though, great work! :)


Graphics: Turn Foliage down, or off

Foliage is the least pure in terms of "Graphics" - and the "Less pure" something is graphically, the more it has additional stress associated with it - and Foliage, is the main antagonist for performance issues.

Low is off - anything above is still partially on. - Personally I never have things like Foliage on. - And in almost any game, additional separate foliage is usually laggy, but as a result, it's also once of the easiest to look for and go "Well that's useless bs, so Off woo huge performance gain!"

as for the rest of the comment.

Most of those have been mentioned.

Alloys, for example

was at the top of this page before (and after) you added this post.

armor is acknowledged  - but not currently being worked on - Shields are being worked on however, and "repairing" (I assume repair orders to fix an npcs weapon/armor/shield) has also been acknowledged

Shelving recognition/more space/storage has been acknowledged too - maybe worked on, in some ways. - The NPCs see about a 15* or so cone in front of them, starting from behind their head and ended just at the edge of the back of your counter -

items in that cone can be grabbed for if they match tier and type - Foreign Tiers however can cause an NPC to freeze though - They'll try and grab for the type - but its the wrong tier, and they'll remain staring at that specific item - until it is removed from their reach

Example - You have a customer asking for "tin" "Greatsword"

and have a copper greatsword on the counter - He'll look at "Greatsword" and lock on, only to see "copper" =/= "tin"

No matter how close to the npc you place the Tin Greatsword, he'll still be locked onto the copper one, and refuse to take the tin one, -so like I said, until copper one is removed from their sight/reach - at which point they'll immediately take the correct one.... provided more wrong ones are not closer and also in sight - They'll see the one closest first.

There used to be more area the npcs could see - but the code wasn't behaving well and was eventually disabled/removed but I saw a reply on that topic where Dasius said that he mighta actually seen what was going wrong and might know how to fix it - but the feature isn't really being worked on atm.

You can look over at Trello for what's being worked on or accepted/acknowledged features

(1 edit) (+1)

Okay I didnt see that thanks for the dope reply man, Could not have been politer. But i still think that a game like this should run smoother, I can run games like rainbow at medium low settings with solid 50 frames, h1z1 medium settings solid 60,. on this game im hitting 20 - 50 depending where im looking. I am not sure if its me or the game, but im more confident in saying its the game.

Maybe there soemthing else i can do to increase fps, im already pre much lowest settings with low resolution windowed mode.


is the save new, old version, or aged?

If you've been playing for a while you may try clearing the orders filled board every once in a while (right when you load up and after 10 or so orders)

You /could/ try deleting the orders completed code from save file but.... I don't really know how or if that'd cause any damage. - so unless you figure out how, don't recommend.

Additionally if you've been woodcutting for a while - You might have several dozens of trees with several dozens of stacked trees spawned on them.

You can completely, including fuel which may not be desirable remove the duplication by opening Save file with notepad++ and searching for and replacing all instances of "Nature" with any other 6 letter word (For example Naturd, or Dragon)

Nature is the sub-asset category for all things Touched by you involving wood. - Tree-base (0-100%) (Tree's do not become "Tree base" until you strike them with your axe for the first time, and they start at 100% after the first hit, and then start chopping down.) (Deleting tree bases will not remove trees, they remove the duplicated trees. Trees are spawned by engine, not save game.) Log (1-100%) and "chopped wood" (firewood) (1-100%)

Whatever keeps the "0%" tree-base from properly removing itself from save file

and later restores it to "100%" is also the same bug that restores 1-100% coal and Firewood to "100%" on reload.

Additionally as I was just informing someone else - If you've been saving and reloading alot - Also Delete the Blueprint near Greatsword display.

It duplicates, and I don't exactly know whether its just, anytime you reload, or when its touched by something - and if its not moved "much" it spawns a new one into the old one almost perfectly. - you could have 13+ of them occupying the same physical area - causing a mess of engine stress  - You can incinerate these once you know how to build stuff and do so every reload.

It could be Unreal Engine. Some people have complained UE4/UE just doesn't work well on their computers, no matter the game.