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A member registered Jul 27, 2024 · View creator page →

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This is really nice, the soundtrack is lovely too!

I’m stuck on chapter 4, would love a hint if someone has one 😅 Here’s my (incorrect?) understanding of the rule, in ROT13:

Bar bs gur cynargf vf n “yvne” naq jnagf bar zber be yrff guna vgf pbybhe jbhyq hfhnyyl fhttrfg - V qba’g xabj ubj gb gryy juvpu cynarg vf gur yvne gubhtu?

Very smooth difficulty curve, the later levels get tricky!

Love the sense of humour too - “they no longer ask me that” followed by the next level, was a great moment.

Really fun - I liked how you had to return to previously solved rooms and reconfigure them throughout the puzzle

Very satisfying to solve, and the one-word answer made me chuckle when I found it 😄

Good luck with Enigmarch!

This was fun!

I enjoyed all the puzzles, though sometimes the movement speed felt somewhat slow. It felt great in the earlier levels, but when the levels became larger and harder (more resets) the slowness started to become noticeable for me.

Very minor thing - it’d be great if you could hold down the push/pull button and walk into a crate to grab it. Sometimes I would press the button slightly too early and it wouldn’t grab because I wasn’t close enough yet. Maybe I’m just impatient 😅

I love how the 10th level felt like a combination of all the mechanics learned in earlier levels, but still required some brainpower to put them together in the right order, it was a nice way of ending the demo.

Good luck with the full version, this is a great concept!

My best guess is that the “secret puzzle” is the one in the thumbnail, which doesn’t feature in the game. I could be wrong though!

(1 edit)

Deleted my other comment after reading MetaMetaPuzzle’s solution, because I was embarrassed by how badly I misunderstood the puzzle, but its too funny not to share. Hope you get a laugh out of this 😂

When you think TOO outside the box...

So good!!

Is the solution (rot13) gung gurer ner checyr ivyyntrf haqrearngu gur oynpxrarq znexf, orpnhfr gur qrfpevcgvba fnlf gurer ner gra ivyyntrf naq jr bayl frr rvtug?

(Feel free to delete this if you don’t want spoilers in the comments)

Nice variety between all the puzzles - I think the trees took me the longest to work out, or maybe the castle. Really fun!

I found the secret room with the extra blocks and marbles haha. Its a lot more fun to not use the secret room, though, in my opinion - there’s more combat, and more soccer ball!

Here’s a vid if you’d like to see the run!


Fun wordplay with a funny twist.

If anyone would like to borrow my username, go ahead 😜

Abstract yet logical mechanics, had fun with this one!

This game is really delightful, I love the visuals and the feeling of exploration, it makes me nostalgic for early freeware GameMaker games, it’s a vibe I really enjoy.

It’s especially fun to speedrun! The fact that almost all enemy encounters are optional makes it fun to plan routes, and it feels great mastering the soccer ball to get through fights quickly.

I had some trouble getting started with this one, but I’m glad I stuck at it - the final alien is so cleverly designed!

The background music sounds a bit like a spooky/spacey cover of Silent Night! 🎄

Really nice! The mechanics feel intuitive, and I didn’t encounter any softlocks while playing.

The directional-wand mechanic had the potential to feel annoying, but the level design really supports it, making sure the player always has somewhere to manoeuvre around easily before entering a puzzle section.

Really lovely homage to the jumper series, lots of cool new mechanics, and consistently good level design!

This was a fun escape room!

Just a tip for everyone: pressing the “enter” key won’t submit your answer, you have to actually click the “enter” text :)

Really cool, and so faithful to the original artwork. I hope the artist sees this!

(1 edit)

Really enjoyed solving this! It was cool realising that each rule only needed to apply to a portion of the map - you’re not trying to make the “perfect map”, just a map that can satisfy the artifact in at least one location.

I’m curious about the decision to snap the artifact to a half-grid, it sort of acts like an additional rule the player needs to understand - “rules don’t apply to a row/column if the artifact is exactly aligned with that row/column”.

Knowledge of this is required to solve the puzzle, because the top/bottom rules can’t both be satisfied unless you “ignore” the middle row for both. Sort of interesting!

Sorry for the ramble, loved the puzzle 😄

Really annoying, 10/10 😂 it feels like the cats are programmed to stand behind the hat racks and make themselves unclickable, made me laugh

(1 edit)

Very satisfying! The level design is especially impressive – super compact, but there still manages to be false leads and dead-ends that feel promising as you’re working towards the solution.

I love that each sheep has unique artwork, its surprising how much character it adds! Wonderful little puzzle 🐑🐑🐑🐕

Coming away from this with a newfound appreciation for walls and their importance. Great puzzle!

Really enjoying this puzzle, not quite done with it yet though… I want those relics!

Ahhhh beautiful…

Super fun mechanics! Loved the multiple endings, I think I’ve eaten every possible preparation of marshmallow 😄

Very fun! I enjoyed how abstract the symbols are - they nudge you in the right direction, without being overly literal representations of the mechanics

What a cool idea, I loved solving this one! I’m not really sure what the “I can eliminate contradictions” hint refers to, but the math hint was very helpful :)

Brilliant puzzle design, brilliant level design!

Up there with I’m too far gone in the very niche category of “Puzzlescript games where you build blocky contraptions to overcome a Sisyphean task” 😁

And the “please don’t do that” message from last year’s Worms and Holes! We’re finally allowed to break space-time without getting told off 😄

(2 edits)

Loved this one a lot! Reminiscent of Lucas Le Slo’s “Illiteracy” but with a totally fresh set of rules that combine together in really interesting ways.

If anyone is stuck, particularly if you’ve figured out the “rules” but can’t pin down the “exceptions”, hint 5 might be more useful than you think :)

Cool pattern / bonus puzzle

Very cute!

For anyone trying to get their friends more into thinky puzzles, this would be a great “gateway puzzle” for them 😄

As simple as 1 2 3! 😄 (actually pretty tricky though!)

Really nice puzzle!

I worked out what the final “move” would be, but it took some guessing and mucking around to actually reach that state. The visuals are great and feel very earthy!

Simple, and trickier than it looks! Really well designed! :)

Love this!! Beautiful use of the colour palette as the sunrise/sunset, and the puzzle is elegantly designed with plenty of fun realisations.

I especially like how (ROT13 spoiler) abar bs gur obkrf raq hc va gur gnetrgf gurl ner pybfrfg gb ng gur fgneg bs gur tnzr. Ybiryl ovg bs zvfqverpgvba!

The last 2 levels don’t feel as “intuitive” as all the others (there’s a mechanic that I found hard to predict/visualise) but this was really fun! So impressive for 48 hours!

Gameplay spoiler

If you do horizontal & vertical movement in the same frame, you can cross diagonal gaps. This trick isn't very useful, but I found at least one level where it can be used! 😁