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A member registered Nov 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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I sadly cannot since it's an executable build and I'm on a Chromebook, but I'm sure it's great!


Understandable. Just for the record about the hitboxes, you can make them, but due to the protagonist being a square, I assumed he was literally a moving hitbox himself already. Scratch has a program where you can make things happen based on if the sprite is touching something else (The artwork itself is basically the hitbox. You could have a 27 irregularly sided polygon as the hitbox and it'd function properly) Also, as for how the ability controls feel weird, they are kinda weird, but that's so the controls are both equally accessible whether you use WASD or Arrow Keys. Anyway, I wasn't expecting A WHOLE FREAKING YOUTUBE VIDEO about my game, so thanks for the feedback!

I couldn't find that sequence break, but I really liked it! All of the controls all mechanics felt well thought out, and I could clearly see the Metroidvania in this! Nice job!

Thanks! I put more playtesting and QA into this more than all other games I've made combined. Also, as for your game's sequence break, I'll be on the lookout ;)

Thank you!

Yeah, I really wanna branch out into things like Unity and Gamemaker Studio 2, but having a Chromebook kinda limits me to just Scratch :/ Anyway, thanks for the feedback!

8-Bit art style for the W! Also thanks!


As for the random generation, each set of barriers is part of the same sprite, and the way it looks is randomized at the start. 

You can replenish your health. Maybe I should have made the instructions more clear... You can hold V to open the menu. There's a skill tree there, AND you can heal at the cost of a skill point.

Epic! I didn't play much, but just from what I saw, the work put into this was amazing! Good job!

Epic! I didn't play much, but just from what I saw, the work put into this was amazing! Good job!

I can't tell you HOW MANY HOURS I spent up late at night reading articles on balanced gameplay. I wanted to make the game hard enough so it wasn't beatable on the first try, but fair enough that you could beat it with a bit of practice. Also, glad you understood that the skill tree acted as a sorta trade-off when choosing skills, and the boss... Yeah. He was meant to be easy to telegraph. Imagine how rage inducing it would've been if you made it all the way just for annoyingly hard to sightread attacks from the boss! Anyway, thanks for playing!


Yayyy thanks!

Your welcome, and thanks!


A little confusing at times to find where you needed to go, but this fit the whole "Metroidvania aspect" VERY well! Good job!

I also feel like it could have used some more sensory details like... Well... Literally any noise other than the jump SFX. Otherwise, pretty cool game!

I liked it. Although the pixel art style for building kinda makes it confusing on which blocks have collisions and which don't.

2D pixel art style mixed with 3D environment? Simplistic controls? FROGS!? I love it! Keep on keeping on, man!


Thanks! I actually do have most of the resources I wanted, but I was just kinda spooked about going up against the pros. 

Thank you!

Sorry. If I had anything other than a Chromebook, I'd be using GMS2 or Stencyl, but right now, Scratch is kinda my only option. Thanks though.


Really? Huh. WASD or Arrow Keys

I don't know how, actually. I made this on Scratch, with a Chromebook.

Thank YOU! I dunno why, but my first comment being positive means a lot :)

Cool concept!