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From the DepthsView game page

A Metroidvania made for Metroidvania Month #22
Submitted by Pandoria Falls (@nyrrrr) — 8 days, 19 hours before the deadline
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From the Depths's page


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Ranked from 43 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot 4.2

Pandoria Falls, Adee, lashman

External assets
Boss sprite by Mattz Art, tileset by hyell, font by somepx

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Unfortunately, I could not run the html version on my Mac. So it took a while till finding a windows PC to run it.

- The variety of the enemies and their AI is pretty decent. Not much to mention here.

- I think that the control is perhaps too fast. Very fast jumps and high gravity without truly being a precision platform game.

- A map would really help though the game ends up being very linear It really have very little challenge towards exploration.

- The choice of the sprite size with respect to the screen size could be made better. Perhaps that is the reason why it feels like the character is moving too fast.

- The art was pretty bleak and I think that one of the rules was that all the assets were to be made during the jam. Regardless, it was difficult to distinguish different areas of the game.

- The boss was a bit repetitive and not the most intuitive but nonetheless playable.

Overall, a pretty solid entry with significant room for improvement. I look forward to a full version.


Thank you so much for the honest feedback and playing my game!

For the controls I took some inspiration from Celeste. But I've got a lot of feedback that it turned out to be too fast. Something I need to improve on. Maybe taking inspiration from a precision platformer was not the best decision.

As for the map, there was one. I might not have done a great job to communicate that, though. (M on keyboard or the options button on the gamepad)

The sprite size is also something I just changed for the post-jam version. Or to be precise, not the sprite size, but the resolution. 

You are definitely right about it being bleak and that the areas looked all the same. I had to improvise towards the end and used some external assets and modified them. As long as you give credits you are allowed to do that. But it would have been cooler to do everything by myself. I agree.

For the boss I also see that I need to improve there. It was the first boss I ever coded, so I am happy with the result, even though I realise there is a lot that could be better about it. :)


Pretty good! I thought the player jumped a little high and moved a little fast for how small they were but it was still fun, and fighting the enemies feels satisfiying.

The music, sound and graphics were nice and fit well together. I liked the boss at the end.


thank you so much for playing and giving feedback!


i really liked your game, awesome visuals haha


thanks so much :)


Nice game! It has a very well defined aesthetic, the contrast between the black and white is pretty strong but since the art is simple, it works pretty well. 

Movement felt too fast for my taste at first, but then I got used to it.

The audio suits the game.

Overall good !


Thank you so much :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Great game! I love the aesthetic, decent variety of enemies, and I like how the boss becomes harder. Although the aesthetics might suggest a more 8-bit style soundtrack, I think this music suits it very well, quite epic in my opinion, and very well used.. My only issue is the vertical movement of the camera, as others have mentioned before. But besides that, this is pretty fun and a bit challenging. Well done!


Yeah the camera is an issue. I will fix that in a post-jam version.

Thanks so much for playing and the feedback!


I loved every second of this! The only thing that needs improvement is the camera: seeing it closely tracking the character’s position as I fell down from great heights caused me a bit of motion sickness (I guess I’m just sensitive to it). Also, when I attempted to make that long jump with all those spikes after acquiring the double jump, I would sometimes respawn on top of the spikes. Fortunately, I didn’t take any damage when that happened, so I could safely jump back to a safe position.

All in all, excellent job! And thank you for providing a native Linux build!


Thank you sooo much! :D


Very nice


thank you :)


Hey, liked your Game. My only problem was that the player can get a hit 2 in a short times in a row. Maybe thats the Idea of the Game and im only to bad :D. Overall a solid first Metroidvania. Cheers


thanks so much for the review. I will have a look into that!


Loved the game, did a video of a 100% run 

and a video of an exploitative speed run.

Thanks so much :D I will check out your video during my break


haha thank you for the video, it's hilarious to see this. Didn't know you could cheese your way up.

You're also one of the very few that realized the attack is four-directional at all. That's my bad


What an awesome little game! I really liked the simple art direction and color palette, it reminded me of something like a Downwell metroidvania, which is great, even if it did come slightly at the expense of making rooms a bit more samey. The short story was intriguing and the animations were excellent. I especially loved the player character's attack, its animation and how much polish went to really perfecting it. Beating up enemies and the fun boss at the end was a breeze in only the positive sense of the word.

The little music you've got here was also really good; I don't really like how sometimes these metroidvania just try and emulate that snappy/catchy Metroid Prime vibe by prioritizing their melody and techno sound instead of actually capturing the atmosphere, which you/your team definitely did better than most. Really enjoyed my brief time with this one. However, I'd like to make a few politely critical notes:

I personally wasn't a huge fan of how incredibly quickly you gained speed in the air, and I overshot my precise jumps a few times in places where it didn't really feel like I held it for too long. While I think the surprisingly high jump height relative to the player's size is fine, I'm not quite sure if it works alongside the very fast air speed.

I also would've hoped for a bit more interesting selection of items. Seeing as this game is quite short it could've benefited from two upgrades that were more distinct, so they'd break up the game's pace in some different ways. Maybe you could've rolled up the two current upgrades into one unlock, or given one of them to the player from the start, so you could then have another that did something completely different. It's nothing bad, not at all, but I could've seen something more making this world even more fun to backtrack. Really liked the game nonetheless!


thanks so much for your very detailed feedback! I will take these things into consideration, if I decide to continue on this project. These are very valid points.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Great game! The limited color palette works pretty well. The game is quite challenging and fair for the most part. The wall jumping sections were difficult due to the camera movements. The boss was good but difficult to hit without getting hit.


thanks for the feedback :) really appreciated 


Simple at first glance, but very well executed! The controls were snappy and responsive and the gameplay was challenging, without becoming frustrating. The boss fight had some cool pattern programming that made it quite interesting—thank you for the generous supply of checkpoint/healing stations. I also liked the music so much that I spent extra time on the title menu to hear it.  


Thanks so much for the feedback! I will let the musician know that you liked his tunes :)


It's like old game from nes and Hollow Knight. But platformer part is strange, because it is both convenient and not convenient.


Thanks for playing my game


Making 2D Metroidvanias is often difficult, not only by its complexity, but because there are so many similar games on the market...

From the Depts is an inmersive and very fun experience, driven *specially* for its design and 1-bit pixel art (the music is also really cool)

Congrats Pandoria because you've been able to differentiate it from the rest, and that's actually the trickiest part!


thank you so much <3


I really liked how juicy this game felt, the fast fall speed kept things really snappy!  The opening narration was a really nice set up too.

I think I would try and add some vertical dead zone to the camera,  when the character is center screen and jumps a lot and fast the camera moves up and down a ton. Really liked this game, awesome job!


Thank you so much :)


I completed it, it was pretty nice!

I was immediately surprised and pleased by how the title screen set the mood. This is something I found again when the boss appeared. Really nice staging. I also liked the little narration framing the adventure. The visuals themselves are minimalist but grew on me, especially the player's animations with a special mention to the upward and downward slashes, which are very cute.

More environmental flourishes to dress up the big empty rooms would have been nice. Maybe statues from the lost dynasty? ;)

I've found the controls a bit difficult, especially because I couldn't get my Xbox gamepad to work. Going fast and jumping can be a bit disorienting an nauseating as the camera moves a lot. Terminal velocity is also very large, so falling from heights is not a pleasant experience. The wall-jump and wall-slide feels a bit too abrupt. It's also very easy to get stunlocked to death and enemies don't drop health so I quickly stopped fighting and simply avoided them. The boss's sprite and patterns were nice, though it just disappeared on defeat, which felt anti-climactic. It was surprising and a bit disappointing considering the attention given to its appearance.

It's also more of a pure platformer than a metroidvania. I don't remember being ever offered multiple paths to explore at the same time. Though I did get the double damage powerup simply by wall-jumping, which doesn't seem intended but provided a small bit of sequence-breaking satisfaction. I liked that there was two paths to the double jump, one way more difficult than the other, but it doesn't reward you at all for choosing it. It would have worked better if it had let you grab the powerup earlier than intended.

The game did freeze quite a few times (presumably to load stuff?) but most of the time (save for one big noticeable exception) it was during room transitions, so no big deal.

Overall it was a nice, short experience. The platforming can be a bit challenging and frustrating, but it doesn't overstay its welcome and it has good vibes, so recommended! Good job ;)


Thank you so much for the detailed feedback! That helps a lot.

And you are absolutely right. I could have spend more time on doing backgrounds and a decent death animation for the boss. And level design is something I definitely need to improve on. This was my first game where I had to design levels, so I was kinda expecting that they will not be ideal. But it really should not be possible to just dodge all the enemies as easy as it is.

Overall I am quite happy, though, considering that this is my first metroidvania.


Very nice game!

everything looks good I have nothing to complain about.

And I like to boss design and move set are very goood! it has many attack patterns but is fair and fun to play


thanks for playing my game! I appreciate it


This game feels amazing! Wow, such good enemies, bosses, checkpoints, it has it all. Controls feel really good, I could feel that coyote time helping me so good job

If I had to offer some advice or tips, it would be very hard. I would say since the jump is so high, and the camera follows the player tightly, jumping can be disorienting. But this game is really so good! Great job!


Thanks for playing and for the feedback. Very much appreciated.


Just wow, the quality of this game is amazing!
You and your team did a great job in everything from the way the world looks, how the music and effects sound, to the combat and movement and produced a fun(but difficult) game. Definitely one of my favourites from this jam so far.


Thank you so much :3


This game was great! Loved the animations and overall feel! Great work. Fun gameplay and boss fight!


thank you so much!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Great game! Well executed. I would propose to improve the camera to follow more smoothly the player's movement, most specifically while jumping. Congratulations!


thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback! :)

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