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A member registered Jul 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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So far in the jam games review process I've played this the most. Timing the gift drops was actually pretty cool. Got to a score of 9. Fun little jam game, well done!

Pretty cool throw back to Donkey Kong, the sounds were pretty on point for a throw back. Didn't get very far but more a skill issue I guess.

Cool entry! ⛄🆒

This is great feedback as game designer I appreciate this. Yeah we saw this issue in the early stages & definitely something that further work should address, thanks again! ⛄

howdy all, we have a collaborative game jam server for artists & devs to team up & work on various game jams

we’re pushing ~50 members currently & are building for mini jame gam #24

we’d love to have you check us out & maybe group up with us for this jam!


  • active hub for game jam development
  • join solo & find a team
  • novice friendly & late joins welcomed!
  • encouraging & helpful devs & artists
  • intended to be long running & building for the future
  • be supported by community & revisit old team members on new jams

drop a msg here & add me on discord: coolridgeryan


howdy there would love to have you join us

just sent you a discord invite

if you are a late start to this jam & are looking for a team by all means check us out!

howdy all, i'm a community manager for a collaborative jam server open for any new or late starts wanting a team:


we have a mix of artists, creatives, developers, & game enthusiasts of all levels & backgrounds & an open collaborative structure which allows us to pick up late start devs as well - that is we've yet to set teams & even when we do it's really easy to jump in under your desired role & your project & role leads will catch you up if needed 

in short there's no worries if you're joining up late!

we have a tried & tested game concept phase we'll go through once your team is fleshed out & roles needed have been met

i've had several successful jams thus far & we've have been successful in the past

so please if you're needing a team & have something you'd like to contribute to a project

or if you want to be ready for other popular jams in the future

our intro web page below includes our discord server linked

i also project manage / concept, story, & character work / & / voice over if & when needed at times



Hrm okay - maybe something went wrong there not sure.

Will forward info to team.

Thanks for the playthrough & comment!

(1 edit)

is that a good or bad thing? ahaha

thank you for the feedback - we host a community game jam dev discord

see my profile if curious to more info 🌌

appreciate your play & comments - means a lot

will carry it to the team!

we build at a community game dev jam discord btw check out my profile here at itch io

oh woah this is so cool! i dropped this into our community discord too hope - ren'py devs can use this

thanks for the feeback

our team will love to hear you enjoy the media!

eek! okay good info will let em know!

thanks for the comment

yikes! okay will inform the team

thanks for the play & comment

howdy all, we have a collab game jam server for artists & devs to team up on game jams

we’re pushing ~60 members currently & are building for big festive game jam 22

we’d love to have you check us out & maybe group up with us for this jam!


  • active hub for game jam development
  • join solo & find a team
  • novice friendly & late joins welcomed!
  • encouraging & helpful devs & artists
  • intended to be long running & building for the future
  • neat & organized discord, guides, collab whiteboard workspaces
  • be supported by community & revisit old team members on new jams
  • tell your game’s development story or personal dev background on streams & social media

our notion.so journal live page with join & discord info: https://jamstationdevs.notion.site/JAM-STATION-DEVS-INTRO-JOIN-INFO-9776a6c79c1c4ece9dedd6a50873ce72

this is so cool to see!

can't wait til the opera gx release

woah this page is so well done, the screens, gifs, credits, formatting - just the gamepage alone is really impressive honestly

i can't wait to give this title a play through!

oh right on

you got a new follow!

howdy there - looks interesting! 

it would help to see the socials & stream links for this project if you could, would be hesitant to schedule time without as much


(1 edit)

howdy there - im a community manager, project manager, world builder, story & dialogue writer, and voice over artist

i really love the premise of this project & seeing your background would really be interested in watching over the build of this title & offering what i can from a content creator - blog author perspective - i'd love to write / record the story of how this title is being built - granted missing the first few days

perhaps while providing some amount of the skill sets listed above if & when need

and if neither of these appeals to you & your team fining that you all are happy locked in then might i be a fly on the wall type - sounding board - small fill-in for the writers what i may for your adventurous team perhaps - or some other helpful organizational task of sorts

you see i ask bc i would love to see at the ground floor how an effective larger team works & i am also very intrigued with story driven work - i community manage for a collab jam space & could use the experience of larger team mgnt & well as mutli writer collab efforts more specifically - in the least let's please chat:



sent a friend add back pack

i manage a collab game jam disc - love to have you around for this & more jams throughout the year(s)

yes check us out - a notion journal web page with info on our collab server & a discord join link at it's end:


were friendly & encouraging and a full fledge project in progress to encourage game dev & bring teams together for jams

still and always happily takin in lost pilots err game devs ; )

hey lets talk about using godot more in future jam projects & or talking about joining up with our godot team & getting a few more people to join in if you like 

added via discord

adding you to discord - let's chat!

more than still open for anyone needing a spot - and while we're not formed up yet fully - even when we are you're still welcome to join & jump in where you can x

added - check out our thread at: https://itch.io/jam/game-off-2022/topic/2455903/jamstationdevs-still-need-a-team...

howdy all, im mgr for a collab jam server open for any late starts wanting a team


we have a mix of artist & devs & our structure allows us to pick up late start devs - that is we've yet to set teams & even when we do it's really easy to jump in under your desired role & your lead will catch you up if need

we have a tried & tested game concept phase we'll go through once your team is fleshed out & roles needed have been met

i've had several successful jams thus far & this server we run is a cleaner more tidy reset to that effort ealier this year

so please if you're needing a team having anything you'd like to contribute or

if you want to be ready for other popular jams coming up

then please feel free to direct message me & i'll get to you as soon as reasonable

i also write story world & character work voice over design & project lead if & when need



hey all you cool ppl - greets from the game dev underground discord - let'ss goooo! 🆒

Interested in a team for Wowie Jam 4.0? - Did your team break up already or having trouble as a solo dev? 

Late Start Wowie Jam 4.0 team is grouping up - we have an organized game dev collab Discord with a healthy mix of devs & artists who group up for various game jams. A group of novice to pros in all kinds of skills from coding to writing, music & art.

Feel free to reply here or Discord DM me @  CoolRyan#6539 & I'll reply with an invite.

We've done a few jams already & will be joining up for more as time goes on - so by all means you can check us out now - observe - & join with us in the next one!

oh no - it only is a menu screen - something happened during source control so - but thanks for commenting / playing!

Take your breaks if you're forgetting - the creative zone is best rested, watered, & fed - naps help with problem solving & creative ideas so


& good luck - have fun everyone!

Doing good! I really like what our group has come up with - assets are moving along - so exciting!

Thanks for asking ;)

here there!

Is your discord id correct - looks like it's missing a digit no?

Added you - we have a casual & encouraging group - we drop into what jams we can here & there & hang in Discord in between. Let's chat!

Messaged you, we have a pretty chill & encouraging group that drops into jams as we're able. Let's chat!

Added you - we have a chill casual & encouraging group that continues from jam to jam - let's chat!

Added you to Discord, let's chat!