When pressing shift the player input is ignored, meaning you can slide by holding shift + a or d then letting go. Not sure if it is intentional.
The pixel render is looking sick my friend.
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The game idea is pretty cool shooting yourself to propel yourself across the map. The ui doesn't scale to other resolutions; it would clip off the side of my screen. The movement whilst on ground is too fast and I find myself falling off the small ledges too easily. I still think this is a pretty neat entry.
The charisma of the game is amazing, I love the dialog. I like how you have the basic mechanic of the picking up blocks and throwing them and how you use it but change its theme from cardboard to energy core and other objects. Really fleshed out game, felt good to move around; the sound was also really good. Great game all around, good job man.
The easiest way would to be make the game object faster. Another way is to have the environment parallax faster and faster until you hit a pothole and just set the parallax speed back to the original speed. Or maybe a little speedometer to add more effect as well like they have a motor bike, turtle slow and rabbit fast and have a dial rotate towards how fast you are going; you could also just have a flat number based system as well showing the numbers incrementally get bigger to a max which would give the effect of going from slow to fast.