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Cosmic Griffon

A member registered Jul 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!! Polish was something i tried to keep in mind so im really glad i succeeded in that area. I very pleased to hear that you had fun too!!

It makes me happy that I exceeded those expectations haha. Thanks for reporting the bug. It would be an easy fix i just didnt even think to look for it. This is why we playtest i guess!

Thanks so much. Yeah the protagonist ai is pretty rudimentary so it tends to act funny in some situations. With a little more time i would've liked to adjust the way the protagonist moves more. I really glad you still had fun. Thanks for playing my game!

Would've loved to zoom out and see more. Really excellent concept with great execution !

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it!!!

In future we are removing grid juice placement so that it is just placed at the player's exact position. We are also making the glyph drawing significantly more lenient so that drawing glyphs will be faster and easier. Thanks for the feedback on our game!

Thank you for playing it!

Most of the current bugs do happen on level reset unfortunately. We were still ironing those out as the deadline came by, it really snuck up on us! 

Thank you so much for playing our very messy game, and for the feedback!
Yeah, another day could've really taken this somewhere better, but that's the nature of game jams. We're going to give it a bit more polish once the voting period is over and see how it turns out :)

We are so happy you enjoyed your playthrough! We are continuing to update our mechanics for smoothness and playability and are going to update it after the GMTK 2022 game jam is finished. Thank you so much for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback!! We are sorry you had difficulty with the controls, our tutorial was a sort of last minute addition and in future we will have more options for keybindings and a better introductory explainer for players

Thank you so much for the feedback. Our artist is super proud of the work he did on visuals and sound! So glad you found it fun!!

So glad you liked our idea!!

We are so glad you loved our little orange friend. We noticed this bug also and were able to fix it but we cant change this build without being disqualified from the jam. After judging ends we are planning to continue to update the project

We have got this feedback a lot haha! In future our glyph system will be more player friendly and our difficulty curve more controlled but we are glad you found the casting of glyphs satisfying. Thank you so much!

Thank you so much! In future we are planning to put more resources towards clearer narrative and difficulty progression. So glad you liked the concept!!

Thank you so much!! We as devs are interested in continuing to refine this project once the jam is done and in future we are going to move to a more lenient and face paced method of putting down glyphs so its good to hear that our concept is something worth exploring

Thank you so much for the feedback!! We did intend to implement more UI elements to assist in glyph placement and aiming but we unfortunately ran out of time. This was our first jam experience so the deadline really snuck up on us haha!

I think that might be an itch issue. Please try reloading the page and giving it another go. We'd really love you to play our game