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A member registered Oct 09, 2020

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Thank you :) We would've really liked a sick retro tune in there, we've noted your tip and will definately give music more of a focus on the next jam! :D

We've fixed this issue now, if you still have the time please give our game a try :).
Also there are standalone builds that you can download below :)

Thank you, we're very flattered you enjoyed it! ;)

Thank you we're glad you enjoyed our game ;D

Thank you, we are glad you enjoyed it :-)

(1 edit)

I really love the asthetics of this game! I like the idea and think you guys polished this game soo well in so little time! I feel like my only real problem is probably just my own skills, because I got a tad overwelmed by the weighty feeling on the character. You guys really nailed this game! Good job!

(1 edit)

We also agree that the character mobility is in big need of improvement. We would've also liked to add more "weight" to the attacks but unfortunately time didn't pan out as expected. All in all we had a blast on this Jam and will definately participate in more to come :) Thank you very much for the feedback it is greatly appreciated and we will strive to continually get better ;)

We are really glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, it was unfortunate that we didn't have time to find some nice sounds and music to fit our game. The ping on the minimap is a great idea and we have definately have written it down to use in the future! Thank you very much!