We just have fun as a team. We enjoyed working together and we made every aspect of our game during the jam, except the engine and font. The amount of people you have doesn't matter, it's the quality of the game. A lot of us on our team weren't able to dedicate that much time to the game. Thank you for your feedback though.
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I found a couple more typos.
Game Mechanics in the Glossary
In the Equipment section, until is spelled incorrectly at "starting from Uncommon and raising in quality untill Mythical" and in the same section at the bottom there is no closing parenthesis (same thing for the bottom of the Salvaging section).
In the Missions section there is an extra "a" in "A Mission is a an encounter" at the top.
In the Professions section, obtained at "that will augment the number of Crafting Materials obtaine and the chance" is missing a "d".
In the Flasks section "active" is used instead of "activate" at "Flasks use charges to active and must" and "gathering" is used instead of "gathered" at "Crafting Materials gathering from the Farming Profession."
That's all I feel like writing for now there are more areas I haven't checked yet and some small grammar and capitalization mistakes but those aren't as important.
Also can you add an option to collapse or hide certain bag's contents?