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A member registered Feb 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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Not quite Ruby on Rails, but Ruby via DragonRuby Game Toolkit

Thanks for the feedback. I ran out of time before getting to a quick intro tutorial to explain the HUD. But what better way to learn than by running out of fuel and slowly dying as you drift into the vast expanse of space?

edit: I just played your game, and I love how simply you introduced the HUD, very slick!

Thank you!

This is great, and has good potential for something more with more items, etc. It is sort of reminiscent of "Lemmings" meets "Bill's Tomato Game".

OK, so I kind of forgot she's still be 9yrs old - I would probably have picked her beacuse of paternal instincts on that point :) But I chose the engineer becausethey both had strong leadership, but engineering feels more important for rebuilding than astro-physics. 

Really enjoyed this. As other's mentioned it would be nice if the player bounded to the screen, and it took me a moment to really understand what I was doing with the green areas (not a bad thing - I think it's good to make the player discover mechanics). But I became really invested in hearing the whole story. I spared the engineer and the dad (because emotionally I felt I had to let the dad see his kid :) )

Really enjoyed this. Ever since "No Second Prize" on the Amiga I've thought more people need to use the mouse as an analog steering input for racing games. I'm not great at this - can't quite beat the first track yet, but I'm getting better each run, and going back in for more.

This is excellent. I'm working my way through a bunch of the lowrezjam entries, but this is one I'll come back to play properly later for sure.

I loved this! Great style, I love an isometric game (and appreciate how rough they can be to code), and this has so much going on. I like that rooms can be treated as a gung-ho fight, or figured out like a puzzle avoiding damage, etc.

This is hard! It has a great aesthetic, nice use of ligthing, etc, and the wall-slide is slick.

I can't believe I went right, even when that arrow told me not to... I really enoyed the invisible maze mechanic, despite the fact it seems like it should be obnoxious! Good humour to the dialog - a fun few minutes well spent.

I would be interested to see where this goes, if it's continued. It sets up an interesting narrative without much exposition, and while there's not a lot that happens (or that I found so far) I want to play more. Technically, the camera is a little juddery, but I think that's hard to avoid in 64x64 resolution and it serves to add a certain intensity, and the audio is good too.

If you are using the 'entities', you could do something like:
game.full_timer = 300
game.moving_thing = game.new_entity(
  x: rand * 1279,
  y: rand * 719,
  timer: game.full_timer
Then in your tick:
========= game.moving_thing.timer -= 1
if game.moving_time.timer <0
  game.moving_thing.x = rand * 1279
  game.moving_thing.y = rand * 719
Then if your mouse click is detected on the `moving_thing` reduce game.full_timer to something smaller.

I am pretty familiar with Ruby, as I use it all day every day in my day job for about 5 years or so, and I really struggle with the debugging on this. I make all of my classes inherit from a DragonClass, which handles `method_missing`, so I can at least catch stupid typos. It's not much, but it helps a tiny bit


# frozen_string_literal: true

class DragonClass
  def method_missing(method, *_args, &_block)
    printf("You called #{method}, which doesn't exist. Exploding.\n")

  def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false)