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A member registered Jan 19, 2017

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Gonna toss you some coin due to the quality of this map being pretty much a cut above anything else I've tried. Thank you for making this. You can definitely tell just from certain observations when a map maker actually put some time and effort into his or her creation versus something slap together with no plan, vision, or especially care in technique and design language. Nothing in this looks like a cut corner or random asset shotgunning.

Wish this didn't need a paypal account.

Not really in a level, but the door he's referring to is a keypad-locked door to the far right side of the room you wake up in when you start the game. It's the one with the computer and wardrobe. I won't spoil what's on the other side of it, but I'll just say you're not really missing anything. To get the code (which is different for everyone, so only your code will work for your game) you have to unlock all other achievements.

Just gonna drop in to say that the new UI looks good, though it has some odd bugs. Sex acts unlocking eventually breaks the list of unlocks when you unlock some of the later ones or if you scroll down at all. There's other minor discrepancies with how the UI seems to get shuffled up mistakenly, mostly when the UI seems to try and correct placement of an element, but gets it wrong, but that was the one I could reproduce consistently. 

Also, I noticed that Wimborn is now among the choices when selecting "Portals", which seems unnecessary given "Leave to Town" has the same action. That said, and here's the kicker, when selecting Wimborn from the Portals menu, the dialog box in the middle of the town screen briefly shows a scene it seems to want to skip, though no such skipping or skipped scenes happen when going to Wimborn with the Leave to Town button.  It doesn't give enough time to really read much more than a word or two at a time, but it sounds like an intro scene that should only happen once.

Is your Java up to date? Also, considering that error is typical with system compatibility problems, are you sure you're running on a 32bit Windows OS?

Are you sure your Java is up to date? 90% of the time that tends to be the reason a Java-based game stops working and it's been fine on both my comps (both are 10). Also, does using the EXE over the JAR file produce the same result?

Is your Java updated? Games like this tend to give you shit for not having the latest version of Java installed.

Sorry to Majalis if I'm overstepping my bounds here by stating this considering it's kind of cheating, but if you're really desperate to extend your gameplay as of now, you can also edit the save file using a text editor such as Notepad++ to give you some more food. Regular Notepad should work too, but I haven't tested this personally.

Find the save.json file in the "data" folder and open it with your text editor. Then hit CTRL+F on your keyboard to run a word search and type in "food" to find the line showing the amount of food you carry and edit the number it shows (just don't accidentally delete the comma proceeding the number by mistake, that could break the save file and the game may not be able to load it). Don't put a number in that nuts or extremely high: something like 500 seems to work just fine in my tests and doesn't break the UI in anyway or seem to cause glitching anywhere that I saw.

Unless you know exactly what you are doing and how to do it, I wouldn't recommend changing anything else as these sort of save files will only work when they are set up, formatted, and structured a particular and exact way. Any missing or improperly placed characters, lines, spacing, etc. will invalidate the file and render it useless unless those errors are corrected manually. Even then it might not fix the issue. Even a number value too high or too low can muck it up. Backing up your save is highly recommended if you insist on editing the file either way.

I wasn't able to execute myself, but I've manage to sometimes set it up so the opponent does it (by them being aroused and me using, if I remember, "Hit the Deck" and then rolling over face up and using "Rest" until they do something). That's what worked for me in the past.

Cool beans. Sounds like it's planned at least. Thanks for the reply...and the game, too, for that matter.

Like the title says.

I know a save file gets generated as you play, but when I get "bad-ended", the save seems to just the moment after loosing the game-ending fight when I reload it using "Continue" on the main menu. Is there a way I can make a save that's just after CC so I don't have to keep redoing character creation each time I want to play, for instance?

Anyways, loving the game so far.