Damn, there was a stupid bug were you couldn't play the game. I'm sorry its fixed now.
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The lag is due to a bug where the newly created nanobot glitch into each other causing them to gain a lot of speed, to glitch into more bots and to spin fast around the crosshair. The collision checks from all the glitched bots causes the lag. The map could be more compact I agree.
Thanks for the feedback.
The assets are beautiful, both visual and audio. However, I would try to bring the clock in the corner to the same resolution as well since it is the only element that is out of line. Of course, you would have to find a way to make the time visible anyway.
The only problem I have with the gameplay is the strength of the vertical jumps in relation to the horizontal jumps. Of course there is gravitation to consider with a vertical jump but I find it feels a little too strong, but that's just one opinion out of many.
In any case, it is a wuder nice game keep up the good work.