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A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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This game honestly looks great, but I don't meet the system requirements sadly, mainly in the ram, because of my laptop. There's not a down scaled version for windows is there? (I honestly doubt there is considering how good this game looks.)

Ya know, I honestly wouldn't see that being too far out of what the original show might of done on a more experimental episode, maybe a few tweaks here and there, namely how they get into the simulation in the first place. like "Hey, this simulation of the past is being powered by a fragment of my old power, let's go in there and take it back; so sombras tower loses power and we can access another place in the tower!" or something along those lines, I could see it honestly working with a few changes, the base isn't un-salvageable, could be reused for something else.

Ah! Thank you! I'll check all the cliffs to see which one she'll show up at.

okay so it took me quite a while to realise this, but I think i got the sword before I got the quest, because I both have no idea who Eri is, and can't find an NPC named Eri.

I've already got the "curious sword" in my inventory, I've just got no idea what to do next.

I'm stuck on the family legacy quest (the literal first step) and the hiss of the wronged quest (the third step), I genuinely cant figure out what to do next. they're the only 2 quests I can do at the moment. Everything else says [work in progress].

Go to the class and library in the upper floors of the tower, one of them has the right answer, cant remember which though.

Hmmm, have you tried looking for a different AI script then? or do you think that editing the current one would be an easier method to try then? (or maybe there's an additional plugin that would work with it?)
honestly, with how it looks like you're trying to make it work, it may need to be more custom made. Though there's a few games that seems to have something similar to what you're trying to do; one's called "Mira Co rescue" and the other is called "Lustfall" Maybe try asking those dev's for some help if they're up to it. Though they do seem busy at the moment, and that's just an idea. It's up to you what to do.
Still, I hope that you have a good day, Christmas, new year, or heck, a good year for the whole of next year, I do really like this demo. Lot's of potential in this game right here.
See ya' at the next update! I'm sure you'll do good no matter what ya do! ^w^

so, I've noticed something about the enemy's in this game, namely, they like to pick one character, and just focus them, and it's kinda... I don't think "lame" is the right word for it, but it makes it easy. But also ironically stupid hard to fail.
If that were tweaked a bit in the enemy AI it'd feel a bit better in battles. Slightly more challenging, and make failure a real threat at most times.

Outside of that, I can see this game having some real potential! and I cant wait to see what comes next!

(2 edits)

I am so sorry that people keep DM'ing you really bad stuff, i hope that you're able to not focus on it and ignore it, and that they stop being A$$s about it. Delays happen, and you're not evil for needing to do one.

I hope that things go smoothly for here on out for you. have some cute art I found.

Yea that's more then fair. But it would be nice to be able to find more secrets when revisiting old places with now things, though i know that wont happen for a very long time. ^w^ also, I didn't realise that the second part for Rinnys quest was there! I'll have to take a look at it!
And yea it's kind of been... what, nearly two years now since the last spell? (might be less but I've genuinely lost track ^w^; sorry if that feels like nagging btw.)
thank you for all the work that you've put into this game, it's genuinely great!

Hmmm, I wonder what the next "story" location will be once the desert area is done? And I do want to say that it feels fairly disconnected at the moment. location wise at least. with everywhere having their own story, and then that's it onto the next area. nothing new shows up in an older place.
not really a bad thing, more just something I noticed. ^w^ Also magic, I'm still wondering when we're going to get more of it. it's been... a long time since we got a spell or something like it.

Honestly star man reminds me of a mega man character XD

very cute, nice! ^w^


Hmmmm, with the underground temple complete, I wonder what's next? ooooh I hope it's some of the magic stuff getting expanded next! ^w^

Times were tough, and not everyone was able to keep their heads above the water, sometimes that happens, but  what matters is that you were able to resurface. And I doubt that it was easy, which just makes it even more impressive that you did. We're happy that you're back, and honestly, even just this post makes us happy, mainly because now we know what's happened. Just keep pushing forward, you've got this. ^w^

Cr1tikal Penguinz0 GIF - Cr1tikal Penguinz0 Meme GIFs

Aw man...

I've tried what there is, and I liked it, so this update's gonna be good. ^w^

Every notification I get about this game just makes me more hyped for the next update! ^w^

would you be willing to put what you said from your blog onto here? it's glitching out for me and I cant view it. something to do with me not wanting to make an account for there apparently.

gonna be keeping an eye on this, looks good from the images.

Thank you for all the work you put into this. This was an amazing game that you made, if you ever make anything in the future I'd love to see it, no matter what it is!

ok thank you for that, I was completely lost there. ^^;

Oh! thanks!

Oh I can't find her, went to the temple and cant figure out where they went, got access up the stairs but the path is blocked by people, I assume it's some sort of trading quest thing but I can't get the items to progress I think, not sure.

so I've got the itchy status effect, I can't figure out how to get rid of it, can someone help me please?

oh yea, this is gonna be a great one, another great one, I feel like if or when you finish this you could put it in steam for £30 and make a lot of money, there aren't too many games like this and this has alot of soul in it!
But in all seriousness, thank you for making this amazing game, this thing is an work of amazing art, thank you.

Oh ho ho! this is gonna be good!


just make sure you don't do too much too soon and hurt yourself, I hope you recover soon. And drink some water!

Yea I still haven't beat night 5, I've tried but yea.

Yea this is gonna be a great update!


will we be able to have more days or an endless day? mainly in a way that lets you collect the points you gain when playing for the gallery.

Looks great so far, can't wait to see what's next!

is that a new type of infected locker? or did I miss that in a previous update?

Looks like the catch is that there is no catch :)