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A member registered Jul 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Well, this was a lot of fun lol. My fav part was finding a way to clip the orb through the locked doors and teleport behind them, and then use that same strategy to fling myself off the map. Great job

I love the physics of this, but I honestly think the idea would be better-served as a goose game-esque "you are a horrible dog swinging around your horrible owner, try to mess them up as much as possible" kind of game.

The idea here is really interesting, and some of the puzzle ideas-- like making a staircase of dancers in order to get the 4-member group to a higher elevation-- are really fun. However, the high movement speed and jump speed makes the platforming parts of the puzzle solving a little needlessly difficult at times. Overall, a pretty good first draft.

The graphics are lovely. I legitimately love how the game looks. Mechanics-wise, the player actor actually controls very well-- the movement speed and control over shooting direction while moving are responsive and feel like they'd be perfect for dodging enemy attacks.

For 2 weeks of development time (Which is an extremely short amount of time), I think it's a lovely prototype. At the very least, I'm excited to see what you make in the future.

Hey, I didn't get to finish everything I planned either. Fact of the matter is: we both made something. You made a game-- nothing can change the fact that you made a game. A real, actual game with programming and graphics and stuff. That's amazing! And it means you know more than you did before; you're more experienced than you were before, and hopefully you had some fun in the process. That's what this jam's all about.

And if you're dedicated to this project and wanna make more out of it after the jam... You can do that! Totally up to you. World's your oyster.

I, for one, can't wait to play your game.

Aaaaaaaand the game is in a playable state! And has been submitted to the jam! It now has a background, a fully playable level, an end screen-- the whole shebang!

Wanna see? You're gonna have to go and see the game for yourself.

And remember: stay radical.

(2 edits)

Smaller update, but a very important one: the Spinning mechanics have had a rework into a more final form. Here's the deal:

1. Spinning is now controlled by the arrow keys rather than by the mouse. It's still the right hand's job to control spinning, but now it's way more precise and, in my opinion, fun to control.

2. As you spin, the speed at which you rotate increases, and...

3. As you spin, you actually accelerate horizontally.

As you can see in this testing gif, Lilith travels much farther when she picks up speed by spinning than she would by simply jumping. Just be careful with the sick stunts, lest you overshoot a platform and miss your mark.

Jam's almost over, and I'm very happy with the progress I've made. Have I done absolutely everything I wanted to do? No. Is this more of a conceptual tech demo than a game? Yep! Do I care that much? Not really.

Energy and time permitting, I might be able to do more before the Jam's completion-- I at least want to finalize the level I have (Rather than the testing room I've been showing you all in these devlogs) and finish the background tileset so there isn't just a blank, white void-- although, that is an interesting interpretation of Hell, isn't it?

But for now... We have a spinning goat.

!!! Oh! Thank you so much!! That means more to me than you know.

I'm definitely going to submit it, and-- after getting this message, I'm rather tempted to actually get it into a fully playable state after the jam is over. Because, well-- after starting late and learning a bunch of new stuff, it isn't gonna be close to a full game by Saturday. But I have learned a lot! And you and the rest of the community have been super welcoming, which I appreciate to no end.

Thanks for taking the time to check out this silly goat game!!

All right!! Time for a big ol' update, mostly graphically.

As you can see, this test room is looking quite a bit spiffier than before! We have:

- Actual drawn platforms!

- An obstacle (Holy water is very hazardous to a Demon's health! Also, don't worry, I'll make the death a little less... Glitchy later. So that Lilith actually falls into the water before she dies.)

- Checkpoints! In the form of skulls on pitchforks whose eyes glow with blue flame upon activation.

(1 edit)

Collision is huge! I kind of like how the player character turns red when it's colliding with a bee. I find it cute, for some reason.

Also, no worries about not being able to work for a few days. Even a little progress is progress.

Not a huge update today, but I did add something very important.

That's right. Sick stunts.

I don't know how I came to this.

I tried to (And still want to) implement a score system that keeps track of how many times Lilith spins mid-air, but... Whoo boy, that's some complicated coding. I'll be saving that for later. I have more important things to be doing.

Well... Surprise! This wasn't in the original design, but now Lilith is now the Demon Queen of Skateboarding.

Oh yeah, and I also made animations, jumping and movement mechanics, a testing room, etc.

What to do next:

  • Make actual assets for Hell, the game's level
  • Tweak the jumping and movement values (Currently using placeholder values)
  • Add acceleration
  • Maybe make that jump animation a little clearer
  • Tweak the sizes of the sprites and how they appear on-screen (For detail)

But for now...

You skate or you die.

... Or both. If you're in Hell.

(1 edit)

All right, time to make a game. For the first time. And some pixel art-- for the first time. And music-- for the first time.

Lots of firsts, everyone, lots of firsts.

Goat of the 8th Layer (Which will probably not be the final title of this project, but it has a nice ring to it) is a silly, semi-comedic platformer set in Hell. You play as a a ruling lady of Hell who has been unceremoniously turned into a devilish goat and must platform her way up back to her rightful throne.

- Make a single level with a checkpoint system and a few hazards.
- Program a playable goat that is able to, as goats do, walk on nearly 90 degree surfaces. For fun. Also, y'know... Program jumping and moving.
- Have some fun with that aforementioned platforming concept.
- If time allows, refine the jumping and moving to have acceleration and controlled jump height.
- Make some gosh dang pixel art and music, which I'm completely new to!

So, to start things off, here is a basic sprite for Lilith herself:

Probably going to make some changes/improve the quality of the sprite later, maybe add some shading, but there she is!

I'm going to move into programming now, but soon I want to make three or four additional Lilith sprites (Two or three comprising a walk cycle, one for mid-jump, much like the original Super Mario Bros).

This project looks super nice!! I hope you have a lot of fun making it, and I'm excited to play it when it's in a playable state!! I'm a complete newbie too, so I'm happy to see you getting out there and making something cute.

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

Hey! I'm Luna. I am a completely newbie game developer. Before this, I've considered myself a writer, but I'm trying to branch out. Besides, I'm dying to actually get a project done.
I'm using GameMaker, so I'm coding with GML.
I've also never made pixel art or music before, so this game jam is introducing me to... A little bit of everything!

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?
This is my first game jam. I appreciate how open it is to beginners, and the atmosphere has convinced me not to place my expectations too high. It seems like the perfect way to test the waters of game design and learn a bit about the trade.

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?
Stardew Valley and Undertale both affected my views on games. Firstly, they made me want to learn pixel art. Secondly, they inspired me to make both silly, fun, joyful games (Like Stardew) and deep, meaningful games (Like Undertale). This game is definitely more of the former. It's my first time, after all.

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?
The only thing I have experience with is the silly little space shooter tutorial in GameMaker. That said, I think I'm picking up on programming fairly quickly.

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!
Dungeons and Dragons is definitely a recent passion of mine. Other than that, I just like telling stories and making people happy through those stories.

6. What are your goals for this game jam?
My goals are simple. I want to make a silly platformer with a single decently sized level and basic mechanics (Though I intend to do at least *something* unique with the controls), with pixel graphics and a musical theme for the level. Basically, I'm dabbling in a little bit of everything that goes into game design, and the final result isn't as important as the journey.

I hope everyone has fun with this jam!!