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A member registered Aug 07, 2021

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It's a simple thing, I know, but the family tree tab makes me happy...

MOAR 3SOMES!!!!!!!

Yeah. I would actually like scenes like that.

Thx for the replies!

Damn. Almost what I'm looking for but worth getting yo try anyway.


1. Can you use this  with visustella plugins?

2. Is it possible to set up gaining bond through battles, doing certain actions and dialogue options and not just gifts?

3. Can I I trigger events/dialogue/learn or upgrade skills at certain bond levels if I want while using this plugin? I guess, will this plugin work to help me do all that a la other RPGs I've seen with similar mechanics.

Unreal is the main engine now, and not really mobile friendly. 

It's not impossible, but more trouble than it's worth.

Ah. Okay.

Thx! Yeah. FINALLY got it! The wording really threw me off...

Way more than it rightly should've.  But I'll chalk that up to me me being an idiot.

Okay, this is starting to tick me off.

So, I'm at Read's Hold and there are these 3 'dance steps' puzzle areas and, center aside...

I have no freaking clue how/where to step on the 5th and 6th steps to not get shocked. I've tried to follow the diagram but the directions just kinda confuse me and I keep getting shocked. I just can't seem to figure out where to approach them from....

Ah, okay then. Guess I'll wait.

Just a quick environment question.

Are there any 'modern' elements to this package?

I ask bc bc the the project I'm looking to make has a kind of 'science fantasy' vibe to it so I wanted to integrate those sort of modern city/technology to the overworld sections between field maps too. Y'know, for better immersion and consistency.

I'm a big fan of the products you make but it's a lot harder to find overworld asset packs that fit that sort of niche on top of my lack of experience with just editing something together.

Thx in advance. 

Another great tileset pack!

Ah! Yeah. I completely forgot about that option!

For the optional task 'Pride and Prejudice'

....Just how exactly am I supposed to tackle it? Beverly beats me every time and I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to win.

Oh, cool!

Just curious, but what engines can I use this for? 

I have RPGMZ.

Looking forward to the update!

As much as I like this game and its characters/world.

I think I REALLY dislike Melissa.

She's the kind of heroine who I honestly can't stand the most. Never mind I can barely stand ppl like that irl.

I just hope she mellows the hell out.

I'm really trying here, but she just irritates the hell out of me and it's really, REALLY hard to like her for too long. 

Okay, cool. Yeah. I just found the Headstone and... uh, repaired it?

Yeah. I have kind of a hard time just finding a good reason to destroy them, especially if it meant people's lives are on the line.

Thanks for the  quick reply!

Not really a big fan of Melissa or the fact I can't rename the MC, but I do like the game and am enjoying it.

Just curious about the Northern Forest. Can I do anything with the Ruined Estate? Or is it sotry locked?

This game is dead, isn't it?

1. Romance system for sure, but not locked to one character. I WANT MY HAREMS DAMMIT! ...Or at least the option to build one with the characters I can recruit/NPCs I interact with. Something to think about for the future at least. HAREMS FOR LIFE!!!!

2. Along with the idea or morality, I think having multiple ways to handle some quests would be pretty cool. Like through dialogue checks, the possession or absences of a certain item, or whether or not you fought/met/interacted with someone related to that quest/quest chain. 

3. Party banter/chat/quests. Especially if you can mix and match who ends up in your party. Like at campsites or in town bars/inns. Something to add some variety to the game loop.

4. Hunts/Bounties. Y'know, to give players a reason to fight/grind/explore, like for money/loot/ related quests.

5. Landmarks. Things you can find and note down to better flesh out the world as maybe part of a quest or just a random reward for the intrepid adventurer who likes going off the beaten path.

6. A day/night system? Maybe to influence what ppl might say or what enemies you can fight? Maybe even when some quests can be taken?

Those are just some of the things I thought of... mostly because they are things I'd like to see in my own project.... But still things I'd like to se in more games like this more generally too. Anyway, best of luck and i'll definitely keep an eye on this project.  

Always a fan of messaging to flesh out the characters.

I like the melancholic, almost nostalgic vibe this track has going for it.

This is exactly what I'm looking for with an old school dungeon crawler project i have in mind. 

Just to check, this will work fine with Visustella plugins, right?


(plops over in abject despair, slowly being eroded away by the sadness of the missed opportunity and the hard decision to skip the game bc of it. NOT ENOUGH HAREM ENDINGS IN GAMES!!!!!)

And yes, Growlanser 4 is my favorite in the series. The remake even let you get the twins!!!!! My only issues was the lack of a harem ending, which is still a black mark against an otherwise near perfect SRPG. Also, I ADORE Satoshi Urushihara's artwork and character designs. 

Anyway, thanks for the replies.


In all seriousness! Keep up the good work! It's quite inspiring since I'm trying to make games too. I feel old af being such a late bloomer n all, but hey, even a guy like me has stories to tell... even if they're all probably trash, haha.


...Other than that this looks so up my alley!!!!!


This looks very interesting and definitely something I'd play! One question...

Is there a harem ending option?

...Please let the answer be yest....!!!!

Is this game finished, still in development, or dead?

Thanks for the hard work, and welcome back!

Dunno if this bug is reported yet, ut after the Love Love Mode tutorial with Val, if you try to select it and try to do it again with her, the game locks up after the LLM screen loads up, only no Val image, like the game froze trying to load it or something.

Always looking for a good char generator tool.

Hopefully we'll see an update.

English only.

Not unless V gets a way better computer. Trust me, it's been asked on the discord channel... several times.

Don't bother asking. It'll release when it releases.

Still being worked on. Just... don't expect to hear anything about it until an update drops. The best way to stay informed, just hit up the game's discord.

Planned for later, but it's purely story related. So, no. You wont' be able to just knock up any girl you want just because you want to.

resource limitations on the dev's end. They have to work with what they have. This question has been asked on the discord channel before, like a lot.

Most codes except for 'aletheia', which uncensors the game, is usable. Any kind of cheating you want to do can be done by choosing the 'Mysterious Heroine VI' and then cheat option from your room.