Hey, why is there a spam comment going around claiming you are a pedo? Two of my old comments got the same spam comment at the same time. I dont care about the drama, I hope you guys resolve it.
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Ok tried it again and most of the time it doesnt work, it doesn't detect the games and I guess chrome. I recently switch to Opera GX because a better browser than chrome. And what surprised me is that on the stats, it detects Opera GX keywords not chrome. I'll try experimenting to try making it work.
Didn't work for me too. Didn't detect the huge amount of pirated games on my disk:D. And what's surprising is that it did not detect the degeneracy of my browser history which I'm glad it did not detect and also sad that it did not detect it. No idea why it did not work but I guess a small patch could fix the issue.
You know, in every nsfw games that I come across in itch, there is always those comments who asks for the apk/android version.
Some of them sternly said no because it's a waste of time or they lack skills to port it to mobile but some of them obliged or already has planned to turn it into apk.
However, being tricked to do the apk version is just irritating to just witness.
There's a bug where if you use the special healing ability and there's a downed enemy on top you and press up/down to interact with them, it cancels the special and fucks that downed enemy. The healing from the special is also cancelled and you get the heal from the enemy instead.
Very easy to replicate!
I'm still not sure about my sexuality but I think I might bisexual. But there's a twist, I'm not attracted to normal male, only those with a feminine looks or you could call it a trap. I'm not attracted to real life traps, only 2d ones.
Weirdly enough, I had crushes on my tomboyish classmates when I was still in highschool.
Hello again Indiv. I dunno what happened to the game but it keeps glitching out. I don't what I did but I think its because I updated several apps. Maybe the cause was the Android Webview new update and I don't know how to fix it.
It just keeps glitching to that and normal. In the game, it shows the game is tiny and inverted. Its literally unplayable.
I tried resolving it by installing it again. It did not work.
I tried to uninstall it costing me my save files and reinstall it again. But still it did not work.
I dunno what cause the game to break but I think its probably the updates.

Hi Indiv, do you plan on adding more types of penis? And like how the npcs are gonna react to it when they have intercourse?
There's a canine dick there but what if you could knot them? That could annoy Sammy because she works on the bath or shower after fighting her. Or the horse dick where its a bit too tight for Cassie but she gets it in. Many opportunities there.
And will there be a marriage system?
Yo indiv! I have encountered a bug with Bell on the mobile version.
It said the Bell's image is missing and when I press retry, it pops up again. I keep repeating to progress the text until the scene ends but its still popping up.
Thanks to autosave, I load back in and I got past that bug. That was really annoying.
Another annoying thing is getting drunk then the next day, the hangover. I can't sleep on most beds except Cassie's safehouse. I have no idea how to cure hangover quickly so I just walked around till it goes away. So is there a quick cure for it?