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A member registered Feb 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Okay 🙂.  I’ve printed off a copy and I’m eager to try it out!  Thanks again.

I very much appreciate you giving this away for free.  However, consider making this pay what you want.  That means people can still access it for free and also anyone buying it for just $1 or more can have it in their Itch library (someone like me!).  This is a great solo rpg.  Well done!

Thanks ;-)

This is very cool indeed!  The most user friendly iteration yet! 👍🏻

Fantastic news. Well done.  Wishing you a great new year!

Great work Jeansen! I’ve only taken a quick look at it but I haven’t seen any bugs yet (Linux version).  There are a few typos that I will highlight tonight on your Discord.  Looking forward to dark mode as that’s my thing 😁.  Honestly I didn’t think I would use it because I have a work flow I like but I’m impressed at how quickly you can set up a game from scratch!

Thats great 👍🏻.

I don't appear to have an email yet but that's okay.  Thanks Cezar! Well done for commissioning real artists.  I know its not cheap.

Will you be updating Drivethrurpg with the new version?  For some reason I bought it there and not here…

Thanks :-)

Excellent! I have an idea…

I would like to have a go at creating a delve for Trove (and get a free copy).  Can you give me a rough guide to the game so that I can grok the stats needed for tests and monsters etc?

On behalf of all tablet users, thank you 😉.

No worries.  🙂

I’m using PDF expert! The other oracle is Encounter Building Cards - Decisions

I’m having problems randomising the PDF.  what program are you using to achieve random results via the categories?  I can only get a random result via the “Roll D66” button.  I’m using an app on my iPad that I have used to do the same thing with a different oracle PDF…

Just to let you know I sent the log about an hour ago. Thanks!

Hi there. Thanks for replying. I have the log. Where I shall I send it?

I am on Linux.  I can save but I cannot open files in master mapper.  When I try to open a save the save folder appears blank.  Help!

(1 edit)

I’ve dipped my toe in the water as far as creating tables are concerned.  I created a simple random weather table.  I assume this means I need to copy my table before updating as I’ll lose it?  I’m actually away from home and only have my iPad.  I ‘ll have to wait patiently to update in a week 😬.

This looks great Jeansen! Would it be possible to explain the changes a bit more in another post or video for the not so tech savvy such as myself?  Thanks. 👍🏻

That's a shame.  Thanks for explaining.  ;-)

That’s surprising.  Why would you not sell the book on its own (without buying the PDF)?

could you provide a standard link to Lulu please? I can't find it...

I haven't even bought this game yet but it's still exciting to read about your progress!  I'm glad you're feeling better.  I'm definitely picking this up when its finished.

As to making a book of tables I think that's a great idea.  I have a dungeon crawling game where the rules are in one book and all the tables are in another.  It makes playing it much easier.  The other alternative is to replicate all tables at the back, but that ramps up the page count.  Your final option is to merely reference the tables in the main text of the book and have all the tables grouped at the end of the book.  I have seen all of these options and all of them are great.  The only choice I wouldn't favour is not picking one of them as any table heavy game can lead to a lot of bothersome flicking backwards and forwards between pages.

looking good.  Simple and effective!

If you enjoy solo roleplaying on your pc then you need this great little program.  Once installed it works anywhere that you type! In this way it supports whatever your favourite writing software might be.  It contains the author’s three solo roleplaying engines which I highly recommend and the very well liked Mythic.

I also want to say that I run Linux on my PC (Ubuntu LTS) and Jensen tirelessly helped me move mountains to get it to work for me.  He is a great guy and I am very grateful for the time he gave me!

I have requested you as a 'friend' on discord. I'm stront.

This looks great. I'll be purchasing it as soon as 1.0 is out!

Hey, I’m very sorry that you’ve had a bad year.  Mine hasn’t been that hot either.  However, I’m glad you’re revising Courier.  Its a great game that will benefit from some extra work!

Uh oh! Thanks for that Alex 👍🏻.

Hi.  I mailed a request yesterday to to request a pdf copy with a proof of my Amazon purchase.  I’m not sure that you’ve received it?

Thanks Jeansen.  I might do that when I’m feeling brave! 😬

Forgot to reply.  Couldn't get it to work.  Never mind.  I don't have the tech skills to fix whatever needs fixing.

Whether or not the current revisions reflect the final layout of PUM I have to say I’m very impressed by the amount of hard work and creative thinking you’ve put into this emulator.  However it ends it quite possibly could be my favourite.  

7.2 looks very cool.  It shares some common ground with ‘Radiance’, a card deck system that I very much like right now and of course ‘Mythic’, whilst also being entirely its own thing.

It also justifies my restless shifting from one system to another.  It was worth it!

Hi there. I’m enjoying this game very much!  I noticed a typo - The Combat tables all have the heading ‘Contest’ instead of ‘Combat’.  This is a great system, I hope you use it again :-)

Hi Jeansen,

I bought it.  I’m only an amateur Linux user.  I don’t know how to compile programs.  Also, you deserve the money ;-)  I really hope you can help but at the end of the day it was only $3.

Hi.  I’m trying to run this on Ubuntu Linux.

If I place your folders in   .config/espanso/config   it doesn’t work.  If I move them all to   .config/espanso/match   I can get :dd and :arr to work and nothing else.

It appears that you just need to advise me on the correct placement of the folders.  Thanks!

Also anyone trying to run espanso on Ubuntu 22.04 will fail unless you run xorg instead of wayland(default) at the login screen (cog - bottom right of screen).  This drove me nuts until I figured it out!

Thanks for the clarification.

I completely understand your concern with combat. Keeping things simple is what your game is all about.  I think maybe the answer could be thinking of Range & Melee as tags?  On page 19 when a boss has ‘flying’ you must hit once with a ranged attack before you can melee.  You might be able to differentiate between melee and ranged by creating a couple of exceptions for normal combat.  I need to think this over…