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A member registered Jan 05, 2021

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Oh, now both changes make more sense, i really thought that i broke something from mistake.

Thank you for the answers

(1 edit)

Since i installed the v1.8d i have a second line of stats on the extreme left that is copying the base stats of the characters. The game is reading correctly the middle line as being the correct one and the second line dosen't affect the gameplay.

Don't know if this has been reported before so i did it only to be sure.

Side note: I no longer have the Dimensional Crystal in the Mansion, and the note is saying. that in time his location will be revealed. Please tell me i didn't fucked anything else.

2 lines of stats

Changed game location to E, installed the mods and everything is working, no error, no bug.
And the game version is 1.0d, forgot to put the small D in the first post.

Thank you and sorry for losing your time with a idiot like me.
Now is time to create my harem.

I just want to install Aric's Rebred and to play the game, but i can't.
Game Version: 1.0

Pls, someone, tell me how to take this problem off my head.

Not modded:

Modded with Aric's mod without the bugg fix, why, because the game no longer start if i activate both:

It worked, lost the save but that's not a problem. Now back to work.

Thank you

So i have a problem which i dont know if is a bug or a feature because i dont get any error message when it happens.

I can't increase Penis and Testicles size if game settings for Futa are below 30%. It say that has reached maximum size even though their size is Tiny.

After i change the settings to 50 and waited for 5 to 10 days i can increase it more.

I have 4 charms at me but i can use only 1 slot, is this a bug or i'm missing something?