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Critical Fish

A member registered Apr 17, 2021

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I really liked the music and SFX, I think maybe having the enemies appear at random positions each time could have been nice. 

I really liked the music and SFX, I think maybe having the enemies appear at random positions each time could have been nice. 

Wow! I really liked the whole atmosphere of the game and the combat was really interesting. I agree with others that a health bar could help, but at the same time not knowing how the enemy is doing adds to the tension.

Really interesting idea! Great job.


Great work! I really liked going through the manual to make sure I wasn't missing any detail. The art was amazing too. 

Wasn't expecting a math problem, good thing I like math. But for real, I really liked the idea of the game, each level felt like a puzzle. Awesome. 

REALLY LOVED IT, I do have a soft spot for spies but the game was amazing. 

Very fun! I really liked the jump reset mechanic, I spent a lot of time just jumping around to see if I missed any secrets. Great work! :)