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A member registered Sep 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Didn't notice that page, I just downloaded the game from here and played.

The explanations on the other page help a lot

Nice little game, fits the theme and our current world situation very well.

If you tweak it a little bit it could be really fun, movement and shooting have already been mentioned, but maybe making the world smaller and not deactivating movement on healed people would make it more challenging. Limited masks or maybe just a reload timer would give infected a better chance to give you a hard time :D

Congrats on the submission!

Thanks for the feedback and for playing!

That could be something to look into, will consider it when designing the new puzzles.

Will let you guys know when we have a new build. Cheers!

Congrats on your game! It's fun and to the point, fits the theme well and probably most important, you've managed to have a complete polished game within the gamejam time limit! Kudos to you!

I will say one small thing, I would have let it slip, but your game name is GRAVITY Dudes.. it really tickles my OCD that when the platforms disappear and from the way the characters are drawn you are looking at the game top-down. The character stands on the tiles, so stuff falling should fall on the Z-axis, aka into the monitor, but when you die your character falls on the Y-axis, to the bottom of the screen. whyyyyyyyyy xD

You were really ambitious for the 48h we've been given. I hope you find some free time and work some more on it, I'm really curious to see how it would end up.

I've recently tried Townscapers which uses some fancy algorithms to fit puzzle like pieces in order to create buildings. I'd encourage you to google it or try it out, it might prove insightful!

I'll get on the bandwagon, give us the guuun!

Too bad you didn't have more time to finish it, I really dig the game mechanic.

Funny how we both went for vampires when we heard the gamejam theme xD.

I like your vampire art and the mechanics of planet hopping! I think it's a great game, just needs an ending.

Our vampires haven't reached space age yet, but hopefully meet you out there in a couple of hundred years ^_^

Could be a really nice game, walking simulators / story focused / exploration gameplay come to mind. Games like Firewatch and Journey are good examples, but in its current form it's just a bit dry. You need a lot to explore and experience in those types of games.

It has a lot of potential, you're also very brave to go for a 3d game in a gamejam.. for the time you've had, it looks great!

Definitely not something I was expecting to see, but it has its charm. The lack of graphics just adds more to the feel of a communist factory xD

I think adding some depth to the game would go a long way. At this point I feel like I'm flipping a coin while listening to funny music, which is not particularly fun. If you add more layers to the game so I feel like if I make good choices I could always find a way to win then there is something there, some strategy to play not just random luck of the draw..

Looking forward to updates and maybe some graphics?

Cute game!

I think making the colliders on the bear a little smaller or having wider paths in certain places would make it better. I got a little bit frustrated when the little bear would catch on corners and get stuck. Also, it wasn't evident where "home" is, so I just walked around randomly..

It has potential though, a bit more work and could be great!

I like the game, it's a classic mobile auto scroller thingy. There's a lot of games out there on mobile which suggest this is a good design, each with their own spin: Subway Surfers, Temple Run, Piano tiles, 2 cars, etc.

 Stay on the safe side: avoid spikes and walls, nice, fits the theme. It looks really good as well, but I'm really confused about the boss fight. The controls get a little wonky when you reach that point and it just makes things too confusing. I think it would be a better game without it, just turn mana into coins and make it go faster and faster, or use the mana to let you blow up some spikes/ become invincible for 3 sec, etc.

That being said, there's a lot of good in it, it's really polished, smooth and fun.


I really like your game, I think once you get the backstory it's really funny and fits well in the theme of the jam. The annoying nature of the minigames fit Bob's condition perfectly. Props for the art style as well, that's one funny looking lion xD

The only thing missing are some instructions on how to play. I was fortunate enough to watch your presentation at the wrap-up and knew what was supposed to happen so I just went on pressing everything until it did, but I showed it to someone who wasn't there and they just meandered around the house not knowing how to do anything. They basically missed out on all your game because of it, which is a shame.. This is something you can easily fix!

Great work guys!

Just gonna leave this here.. ^_^

Hey Onyx,

Yes, the telekinesis is supposed to move all the lights currently inside the white circle range.. to make it more challenging :D

You are right though, some better visual queues to signal both which character is currently active and which lights you are controlling would go a long way. I will try to fix this in a future build, after the game jam evaluations are over.

Thanks a lot for the feedback!

Hey Super Jesus, thank you for the kind words!
We just ran out of time for nice puzzle/level design unfortunately, but we're keen to release an updated version to address small bugs and provide better level layout.

Regarding light, we decided not to add health so the focus stays on the light puzzles. As such any time you enter a lit area a countdown begins, if you're still in light when it hits 0 you're toast :D. I think it's set to 0.6sec in this particular build. Also, the blinky light coming from inside the house is bugged and won't hurt you, but don't tell that to anybody O_O

(1 edit)

This is such a fun minigame, I tossed more toast than I care to admit. Nice _spin_ on the theme and cool graphics!

Alas, this is the best I could manage..
