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A member registered Mar 19, 2022

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So I finished the current game (all bosses with both characters) and  I have a couple of suggestions-

I'm not sure I like the multiple health bars. They make it difficult to tell how close I am to killing an enemy. It's a cool visual so I think it can be made to work, but it might be worth adding an option for a % health indicator or a single health bar. 

Have you considered using abbreviations for large numbers (ex. 100k instead of 100000)? It's not a problem now, but if the numbers grow exponentially as the progression continues it could become one.

I know this comment is getting long, but one more suggestion I have is having the character skill screen and character select default to the character last played, instead of defaulting to the first character. When I played the second character it got a bit annoying having to manually change to him every time I finished a run.

I hope the feedback is helpful, feel free to ignore if you disagree, you are clearly better at this than me. Regardless, the game is awesome and I'm definitely looking forward to playing the final product. 

I've completed the first area and it's fantastic so far. The only complaint I have is that sometimes you can't see the bonuses of nearby when you're in a large area. Sometimes it's worth it to do an earlier section if it has a gold or exp multiplier, or you can move to a higher section if it has an enemy debuff, but you have to hike back and forth to check. It's particularly bad in the second to last part of the first zone, where there are a lot of sections with similar levels, and I want to check if any of the zones has a bonus. Some solutions I can think of are adding the ability to zoom out further and/or adding an effect to the borders of a zone when it has a bonus.

There's a glitch with the Ninja Costume. If you have haste it causes you to gain armor at the end of the turn instead of losing it.

I don't think this is intened behavior, but when you give an arrow vampiric damage the vampiric damage will trigger thorns.