It's oKay there's actually a multiple amount of ending in this game, example the I'm not crazy ending, if you want to find out more about endings you should join the discord
When I'm playing femtality on mobile device's, I found it hard to move around and do combo's cause by lag, I guess 16 RAM isn't enough for this game, I'm also having hard time pressing the buttons, can you Add a feature that you can customize the layout of the buttons?
Bro did you even try to defend jun?(the sex bot) if not then try it if yes try to raise your affection with jun, though you can't see it you'll need some mod or if jun eyes is always heart
I was grinding money ya know for my new house and after two days (ingame) I got ginny pregnant?? I was like what? My passion is only 20 how the hell did I got her pregnant??
Okay Okay now were talkin this game is good it makes me almost wanna throw my phone out three times, yeah three times, but the thing is, it doesn't have an ending like eroico