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jan ko pan

A member registered 43 days ago · View creator page →

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i live and die by pixel consistency

would be nice? that was the nicest music on the planet, credit to Funkerz. did it not appear for you?

when jumping and scaling  down, the bottom of your hitbox is higher up since it scales around the center of mass. it is a bit like crouch jumping in source games

(1 edit)

does not work for me on windows and on chrome

ABSOLUETE FEVER DREAM, everything is janky as all hell but it lends to some very cool movement tech. Ending was cool too

very fun sokoban game, i wish there was more! i like the unique gameplay mechanics of boxes with limited range and those that can retract. very cool style even though it did not really fit the theme that much

5 stars across the board, i think the incremental is simple but fun, the theme of scaling in potato production fits in perfectly and i love the pixel art style and music.

I found the game very fun even though i only made it a couple levels in,  it is very easy to get stuck on levels and not know what to do. I love the style even though it only fits the theme on a technicality

I agree with this, I found it fun to build houses but i feel that it was poorly balanced