That's fair! Just saw what you said and it seemed like you were discouraged. Absolutely, update things at your own pace - and good luck on your other projects
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Recent community posts
Please don't be discouraged. It's awesome that you are making a BE (and now AE!) game. Keep up the work you're doing, but take your time and don't burn yourself out :)
Also have you advertised/shared your game over on the BE Discord/Reddit, DeviantArt, or other hubs of BE activity? Might help with garnering more interest!
Thanks for the feedback! Do you know which version of the game you have? I added a pause menu and stats screen on the last update, and I've also been slowing the game pacing down a lot (60% thus far) - so I'm curious how much more it feels like I'd need to increase it by.
As for art and more visual feedback about blessings, I agree wholeheartedly! I had to cut character art from the game jam version, and it's something I'm planning on adding back in. Ontop of that the blessing system ingame was a stopgap as I wasn't able to get more complex interactions finished before the jam deadline, I intend to make them more meaningful in a future patch. I hope the changes I make will give you more of a reason to revisit the game :D
Thanks for the feedback! On the jam version I broke the victory screen, and the last-minute hotfix did not fix it.
I am about to release a patch that, among other changes, will fix this.
I do plan on reworking the tutorial after I finish adding mechanics I had to cut for the jam version though
EDIT: 0.73 Has been released! :)
Thanks for the feedback! There's definitely some issues with sticky tooltips that I want to fix. Now that the jam is done I can take some more time to look at it closely. Pacing is also much faster than I want it to be. I had cut some features to make the jam deadline, and sped the game up a bit to compensate, but it was evidently way too much
In the future I want each girl to be a bit more involved. Blessings and Statuses will depend more on what blessings the girl has, and the UI will make it more obvious whether something is available to be purchased or not
Thanks for the feedback! Definitely seems like progression is a bit too fast. Working on a patch right now that slows it down a bit, and also found a bug that was causing each girl to in turn buff every girl after her, which definitely would speed progression up by a lot faster than intended. Also threw in a QoL feature so you see exactly how much faith each girl gave you
I do have a lot more intended for the game, but had to cut to make the deadline. Boosts that merge together to form stronger boosts, and unlock other benefits such as allowing the girls to be pregnant with more children, and so on.
A number of features didn't make it into the game before the jam deadline. My priority is bugfixing ATM, but I will add more to the game after the jam is over and scores are in!
Focus will be (after fixing any bugs left over after jam) adding
girl visuals and a better UI feedback to player
Hope you enjoy the game! :D
I feel the pain. I'm glad you were able to persevere through such a limited engine to make such a wonderful game, I installed Twine myself and while it seems easy on the surface it for sure is complicated.
If the two snips you mentioned do not work:
- <<if>>
- <<nobr>>
- <</nobr>>
- <</if>>
- <<nobr>>
- <<if>>
- <</nobr>>
- <</if>>
Would this one work?
- <<nobr>>
- <<if>>
- <</if>>
- <</nobr>>
I saw you had a reddit, gonna message you on there so we don't clog your games update threads up :)
Getting an error on the settings screen, with both the web browser version and Downloaded version, made sure to run fresh save too.
"Error: child tag <</nobr>> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <<nobr>>" It shows up right below where the timer is.
It isn't fatal, game seems to run normal otherwise (Ran through it with cheats to test), but just figured I'd throw bug report up.
Wonderful game again, can't state it enough. Have seen it shared, and shared it myself, across several BE Discords and reaction is very positive. Even seen some other people say they want to make a BE game because of it, glad I'm not the only one who got that bug after playing your game
Yeah, I ended up modifying his calculator to add other units of measurements in there as well for size descriptors. It was pretty helpful with my game.
My game I ended up stopping working on because it got too bloated (in not a good BE way), I needed to really refine it's focus, but working around the bloat was complicated. In some ways there were a lot of similar things, such as milk as a currency, and eventual BE of others besides the MC, but the other's BE was part of the game mechanics - and where a lot of the bloat was coming into play because there was interactivity and such to it. Your use of different research currencies, massage vs milk, and Earth's govt saying "no more BE allowed" added depth without all of that complexity overhead.
Your game really gave me a lot of ideas, I might pick it back up some day, but I have some other projects I'm wanting to work on as well. I'd love to keep in touch and help on future BE-games of yours, or bounce ideas and such off one another. Feel free to message me on DA/Discord/Twitter, I've got the same name as on here.
Perchance I was working on a hyper BE-clicker years ago that I never finished. This absolutely blew it out of the water, the game really reminds me of A Dark Room both in the ascii artstyle as well as the introduction of more and more mechanics over time.
Only thing I can think to add are a few more size-milestones in descriptors, especially for space. Someone released a hyperBE calculator a long time ago on DeviantArt that could be helpful for that, it measures weight/dimensions/growth rate, etc