This game is the one that made me learn that games can truly, utterly, absolutely be more than just fun. They can truly be *good*.
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this is pretty cute! the writing could use some work, the choice of tense makes the prose a bit awkward and the descriptions can be meandering. the dialogue suffers from being a bit too chatbox-y as well. the game is carried by very evocative art though, and the characters are solid, true to life among freaky queers. keep at it! writing's hard but you'll get there!
Ha-HA! I won!!
Delightful. It took me a while and no small amount of luck but I'm DONE! I had a great time. I have some gripes about the games, but a quick look through older comments let me see that people have already covered most of what I had to say! So I'm only left with one question, do you intend on making sweet sweet m3rch? I'm spelling it like that to avoid bots but like, look into redbubble or something all these designs are gorgeous.
hi, there doesn't seem to be any way to access options? the first screen just shows basic instructions, no menu, pressing any button just starts the game but the text is all out of wack because it automatically gets into french and the font doesn't have an é so it's very jarring (especially given that the french translation seems to be like, google translated)