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A member registered May 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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nice idea xD 

thank you!

Yes it was just mean to be a very short little ride as there would have to be Ton of New gameplay Elements to be added to make the mini game more a like a real game 

thank you!

thank you! Yes the difficulty was hard to tweek as I used some random Intervalls with min max expanding every 5sec capped at a rate almost as high as max rate from the curves.

After like 2min max is possible and if you are Unlucky there is no survive Chance xD 

We wanted it to be relaxing instead of challenging but that's a risk of beeing borderline boring sry

Thank you ^^
yes I did programming in Godot engine (2 Scenes with less than 400 lines code total) and my wife did all the artwork on Saturday.
It is just a little small game so no big coding challenges. It is quite rough around the edges but we really do like it and we are also pretty proud for our 4th game jam game, this time instead of 4+ people just we two

Hm seems some timer issues....tried reloading? On chrome it works best we found 

Thanks for your feedback and we are glad you enjoyed it :)

vielen Dank für dein Feedback und es freut uns dass es dir gefallen hat 

Das freut uns ^^ danke für's Spielen!

Danke für dein Kommentar!
JA die Kamera macht das Spiel stellenweiser schwerer als es eigentlich ist ^^
Die Alien Sounds sind von unserem Team "eingesprochen" und leider zu laut und penetrant geworden.
Beide Kritikpunkte würden definitiv in eine 2. Version oder einen 2. Teil einfließen! Aber hier sehe ich das leider nicht als erlaubten "Bugfix"

Danke für dein Feedback, es freut uns wenn es dir Spaß gemacht hat :)

Ja erst war geplant zumindest ein rudimentäres health system, nicht nur für den Spieler sondern auch für die Gegner einzubauen, aber das ist der Keine-Zeit-Mehr-Schere zum Opfer gefallen ;)

I just added some more Keyboard inputs as bugfixes for better accessibility

Hi, yes you have to collect the weapon first at the end of Level 1 down to the left after jumping through the old house and past the enimies there is a sleeping person which activates the weapon when you collect them.
the first obstacle...jumping from house to house or through the bigger complex? it is quite tricky to be is a walkthough video:

nonetheless thanks for playing ^^ I hope you maybe can get past the obstacle at some point!

Dankeschön für die netten Worte! :)
Wir haben uns auch wirklich rein gehangen, und eigentlich war noch viel mehr Inhalt geplant...."eigentlich" sollte es auch eher ein Metroidvania werden aber Backtracking war zeitlich nicht mehr drin....

ja die standen eigentlich auf dem Zettel aber die Mechanik dafür war zum Ende hin zu aufwendig leider da haben wie an der Stelle eingekürzt 🙃

danke für das Feedback! 

Ja einer unserer devs hat viel Zeit in den Player gesteckt wir finden dass er sich auch gut anfühlt 

thanks for the feedback!

yeah we really need to tweak the visuals somehow to also compensate for color blindness and we maybe add at some point a counter for the moves to kind of motivate the player to make more optimal decisions. Maybe the number of moves could even be something like a resource that you have to watch out for :)

as the jam was THAT much fun, we will properly fix and add to the game and release a 2.0 in the future I hope ;)

thanks for your kind words! :) our team really appreciates it.

yeah I know see we never changed the position of the 2D Audio Objects in Godot xD they are all at the same starting point top left

xD glad you liked it

thanks for your feedback :) yeah as it was our first game we did not really think enough about instructios..... even though just by showing the input device of joice at the beginning of a minigame and stressing the layer out for always having to adapt to different controlls was more or less our theme.....I will nevertheless add more vlclear instructions in the description

the splash at the beginning of a mini game shotrly Shows the cobtrols and what to do 

thanks a lot one of our 6 Team members create them from scratch within the 2 days with a novation circuit mono Station and field recorder