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Curtis Jensen Games

A member registered Jul 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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Played and enjoyed it!  I am sick so the constant frown isn't the game's fault, haha

Thank you so much for making a video of your playthrough!  And I'm sorry to say that the one tree was all I got to at the time.  Truthfully story writing is not my strong suit, I'd be interested to hear what you thought might have been down there, but the theme just screamed PUT CRYPTIC STUFF IN IT.  So I slapped in a few scripture references.  Next time I'll at least find a way to write "Yeah so sry there's nothing more but like you can fall more if u want" but in an eloquent sounding way.

And I don't know about you but I felt like the platforms got too vertical after a while, so I tweaked the math to have a more even chance of horizontal and vertical platforms, and no underside platforms (Though props to you for getting one!)

Fun fact, the lights were added within 8 hours of the deadline! haha

Thanks for your message; glad you liked it overall!  Yeah I definitely wished I could have put more secrets in, but I'm still relatively new to stories so I just managed to slap a two scripture verses in.

Really not sure when or if I'll get back to it but I was thinking of having it open up to outer space and / or having a ying yang with two trees.  But it's all up in the air, so really anything could have gone!  If you happen to think of cool stuff I could have put down there let me know, haha

I'd enjoy playing it again if it didn't feel as slippery.  Pretty cool theme overall though!

Pretty fun, especially for your first game.  One thing that might be nice is if the hitboxes of the obstacles were a little bit smaller than they look, it seems like that might make the game have more exciting moments

Looking forward to sound :) Pretty game

Maybe I didn't get far enough but I was expecting to see like a deep plot emerge, but it seemed like it was just silly jokes?  I'm sure other people might like that though :)

Oh, don't feel bad, there is no bottom ;)

Thanks!  It's a pretty unique feeling to be sure, I still get surprised by how deep it goes!

This is definitely absolutely one of the falling triangle things of all time.

"This isn’t just any falling triangle, this is the Falling Triangle." -me

Best game in the jam in my opinion.  A lot of them are "What if you were bad instead of good?" but this one is having the player be good in a very different way.  Good job!

Yes!  Look at the cross heals you! :)

Great!  Glad you liked it!  Very happy to hear from you as well :)

The main thing about this game is that the pink enemies will hurt you if you look at them, an also the cross that floats around the room will heal you if you look at it.  Let me know if you have questions, the tutorial is not good, haha

Souper silly game.  Here's my playthrough: https://www.screencast.com/t/Gkj6f8UEoGY

(1 edit)

I got to about 34; can anyone beat my score?

I thought it didn't speed up gradually, but then I played it and boy was I wrong!


Could you guys make a Reddit page?  I may if you don't.  This game is awesome, it mixes things my wife and I both like well, so it's good for bonding!

Yeah, maybe a mix of both?  Forcing a bit of diversity is nice to keep things difficult but maybe allowing a bit of specialization too? :)

Glad to see someone analyzing the game!

To your point: I agree that the game can get crazy hard at times.  I think having a little shield ability or dodgeroll ability would be nice, that would help the game have the typical difficulty curve instead of endlessly getting harder.

Likely by playing over and over and over again.  I respect that, because this game takes some resilience to play!

What wave did you get to?

Do I hold the speedrun world record? I got every beacon in 10 minutes and 21 seconds.

I enjoyed the game, but my main gripe is that I can't move as fast as I want after I get the last beacon. I like walking simulators, and the lesson taught is a good one, but once the player has proved themselves capable of slowing down, can you give them back the freedom to speed up?

You can watch my first impressions, with the speedrun in the last 10 minutes, here.

This is great!  You can see video of it here: 

I really enjoyed it!  Click to see my playthrough:

Yeah, if this game gets featured then it getting a “sequel” is a big possibility.

Do you think having the boss give off a growling sound whenever it’s close and having a short “you died” thingy would solve the problem you experienced?

Also: you’re totally right about the tutorial arrow not counting!  We totally should have done that.  Thanks for all your feedback.

Do you remember the name of the other games about retrieving the bullet? I figured we wouldn’t be the only ones since Mark Brown literally pointed it out in his video.

Thank you for your feedback my friend!  Yeah, we definitely would have added more and polished if we could find more time.

Maybe you just practiced well?

(2 edits)

Gorgeous game; it's great, man! 00:19 on normal... AND 00:51 ON ONLY ONE!!  I HOLD THE CURRENT HIGH SCORE (in the comments)

Great game!!  With some encouragement / help from my wife we slew the dragon!  Interesting game.  I imagine if it went too much longer it would have been hard to keep track of everything, but at that rate you'd probably have more time to test it anyway.  The game felt pretty alive because we had to use our instincts to feel our way through.

I'd definitely play a sequel (but tbh only if it's free because I'm poor)

I had a hard time enjoying this game.  When I got to the flying spike level I thought "How does this magnet even work?  Is it better to be close or far to go faster?" but I've faced a similar complaint to my game "Toad Mountain" so I can understand making the mistake, but even so I still had a hard time playing this.

Was it original though?  Would I play it more if it was a full Indie game?  Did it properly address the theme for this game jam?  Absolutely!

The idea of kickback knocking back the player, perhaps to nerf an overpowered sniper or rocket launcher, is something I'm surprised I haven't seen before in a first person shooter!  I'm glad you guys tried this out, but my experience was not great.  I learned things, sure, but it was difficult to control, and some glitches hurt my experience.

The idea of kickback knocking back the player, perhaps to nerf an overpowered sniper or rocketlauncher, is something I'm surprised I haven't seen before in a first person shooter!  I'm glad you guys tried this out, but my experience was not great.  I learned things, sure, but it was difficult to control, and some glitches hurt my experience.

Better than my first game!  I beat it twice.

Okay; if you say so: I only had troubles with the first areas.

Good game!  I was really excited to unlock the last door when I got the last key!  It made my Metroidvania side happy, but I didn't feel a ton by way of mood-shift when I fell in the water.  Having tried a similar section in my Toad Mountain game I can appreciate that it's a difficult effect to achieve, and on a psychological level I appreciated that the fish was in water, but I think harsh music when next to fire, perhaps starting out in water, or even having a meter that started depleting when the fish was out of water that killed it when it reached zero could have helped.

This all being said I thoroughly enjoyed beating the game in 1632s, I think falling into water rather than just land is a welcome extra mechanic to add to the Getting Over It formula, and the keys, though perhaps distracting from the intended mood-switch, gave me a lot of joy.  4/5!

It's fixed in this game!  Besides, only the very first rock in the first level of the first game had collision issues: having beaten it three times, I can assure you.

(1 edit)

I beat the game in 746.5s  (Scratch that!  Second attempt in 235.53!)!!!  The first part is the hardest part guys!!  Personally I loved it!  I'll be releasing a game like this around March 30th! (and don't worry, you won't bounce like a football or slide like ice)

Call me weird but I actually didn't think it was that bad.  That rock is the only object I encountered with the bug and it made me tense and eager to get off it!  I certainly wouldn't mind it being patched though, it just didn't ruin the game for me.