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Just Following OrdersView game page

You're a new employee at M.G.A.T. Inc! However, you've discovered some...skeletons in your boss's closet.
Submitted by RabbitAddix (@RabbitAddix) — 1 day, 4 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#853.6293.629

Ranked from 35 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
A major focus of the game is discovering lore about the company you work at. This lore gets weirder and more surreal as the game progresses, as you "dive deeper" into the rabbithole of conspiracy.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
Basically everything was made from scratch except a telephone sound heard in the background:

The main menu theme also samples an Amen Break, but the other parts of the song were made by me.

There's also a Terms and Conditions somewhere in the game, which was made by ChatGPT, but I just didn't feel like writing a whole TOS by hand.

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What an interesting game idea! It was hard for me to put this game down! Great work on this title!


Hey, pretty cool concept for a game! I wish I could've made it all the way through but it was getting late and my mind was not sharp with all the math. I like the element of suspense with having the coworkers walk by and needing to switch. Sometimes it felt like they were coming by too often though and made it a struggle to read through the lore of the company. I really like the overall concept, but I think it could use some tweaks so the player is spending more time on the company portion than the actual 'work' portion of the game. Perhaps just reducing the overall number of clients you're assigned to each day would help balance it out. The menu and UI elements were nice and polished, well done on that! Overall it was a fun experience, even if you did make me do a bunch of math after I got home from work lol

You can check out my gameplay video playtest below (although I saw you already saw it on my youtube channel haha, I uploaded it before I went to bed and didn't want to rate+comment on a tired mind so I saved it for the morning):


I love the sound design of the footsteps in your game. This is also an interesting take on the theme. Nice job!


Thanks! 🧡

Funny enough, before release I actually had some criticism about the footsteps sounding too much like a basketball, but I opted to use the sounds anyway. Glad to hear it paid off haha


Nice idea for a game. Like visuals, graphics and atmospheric music)


Me: thought they were being so sneaky

Also me: failed to realise that I had actually been caught mutlipe times and just never realised.

It's just like real life...

In all seriousness, this was such an amazing game and I had so much fun trying to be super sneaky and solve the puzzles. I'm defintely coming back to this game to check out the other endings later! 


Thanks! 🧡

Also best of luck with your all endings run!


Look good


Very cool game :)


Thanks! 🧡


Maybe I didn't get far enough but I was expecting to see like a deep plot emerge, but it seemed like it was just silly jokes?  I'm sure other people might like that though :)


Hey! Thank you for playing! 🧡

No, you didn't not get far enough, honestly the game doesn't have, like, actual deep lore. I couldn't write good lore if I tried so I just went the route of surrealist silliness. It was a lot of fun to write, but it's not, like, a deep commentary on anything, it's just "what's the weirdest stuff I can conjure?"


Interesting! I really enjoyed it. At first I missed the distraction part for half of the days but then I got distracted and basically got fired... I replayed it without getting distracted and he offered me a promotion :D Good job! Enjoyed it!


Thank you so much! 🧡


Very great game! I honestly didn't go to much into the actual story and honestly just mainly did the number punching and it was quite fun! From what I got from the story and reading the few messages I could get it was interesting.


Thank you! 🧡

Also you're the 3rd person who's commented that they focused mostly on the job portion. Not holding it against you, just an observation


Unique interpretation of the theme. Good visuals, the office ambiance worked well.  I wonder how it would work if it was expanded on to something narrated like There is no Game or Stanley Parable. where the narrator teases you on getting distracted. Good job!


Thank you! 🧡

I have always wanted to do one of those "angry narrator" games, they just seem like they'd be a ton of fun to write. I have started on some before but nothing really materialized


great game! I love the concept 


Thank you a lot! 🧡

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Nice entry, well polished and executed. Also makes me realise I suck at maths lol

Well done :)


Thanks! 🧡 Sorry about the maths tho

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I would never do anything behind my bosses back...

Unless it features a black and green cmd, I just can't resist something like that...

Tho speedrunning multiplication is my thing


note to self: make job portion of game LESS fun next time.

(ty for the comment tho 🧡)


Great game. its a simple and fun gameplay loop, and its a nice take on the theme, diving deeper in concpiracys. also, I really like how the game actually has different endings. (and the concpiracy itself is also pretty funny and good.) had a lot of fun playing this!

Great game. Keep it up♥


Thank you so much! 🧡


I enjoyed the searching for clues part of this game and the audio was great. One suggestion would be to make numbers lower then 5 more likely to appear. Other then that great job. :D


Thanks for the comment! 🧡

As for the "numbers lower than 5" comment, do you mean the individual digits of each number shouldn't be more than 5? (eg: 1324 would be acceptable, 2786 wouldn't)

If so, honestly, I personally liked that bit of difficulty. But I guess I could add a hypothetical "Easy" mode where those kinds of numbers don't appear. Otherwise, if you meant something else, def let me know! I'm curious.


Yeah that's what I meant. :D


Cool Game! but the camera moving side to side is way to fast and i didn't really use it anyways i just listened for audio

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for the compliment! 🧡

Honestly the camera didn't feel that fast for me, but I definitely get where you're coming from. I was aiming for controls like FNAF, but I was operating just on my memory of what the controls felt like, and rewatching some videos...yeah FNAF's camera is a bit slower than mine lol. Probably should've added a sensitivity slider.


I propably played the game wrong since I just did what I was told :D I just did the week and surprisingly I didn't realize I could do multiplications so well in my head with 4 digit numbers :D

There was propably some easter egg hidden and I should have been distracted but I just did the clients.

So sadly not much fun but I learned a new skill that I didn't know I had in me :D <3


Hey! Glad my game helped you learn something about yourself!

But, uh, you really should go back and do the distraction routes...there's 3 extra endings there, and some interesting content. ;)


Maybe I Will... 😂

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Incredibly fun game and a unique concept! The only problem i have with this is that it's unclear at first that you can tab out of distractions by pressing space again, but otherwise very well done!

also, my comment for some reason was send thrice, sorry if that clogged up your notifications

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

Thanks! 🧡

Ah, instructions. A historical struggle for me. I did try to alleviate that a bit with the emails at the start of each day and always having on-screen instructions, but I guess I just figured "intuition is enough so I'll not tell the player about swapping back, they can figure it out". Thanks again for the comment. I've already been making a strong effort to make things clear to the player, so I guess all I can do is...make an even stronger effort to make things clear to the player! :D


The use of the theme is fairly unique, the concept is cool, and the story seems to be fairly in depth. Overall it's a good submission!


Thank you!! 🧡🧡

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