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A member registered Jun 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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Awesome! You may want to wait for Chapter 8 when it's out. It'll be out super in early October I'm hoping. And then you'll have a lot to play!

The most recent Patreon chapters also have an android version.( an APK )  so you should be able to play it on your phone too! ( but not on an iphone.)

Sometimes a few people have told me they have issues either downloading the file or getting it to launch, though I believe that's usually because of their phone being old or it's due to memory issues. I believe 95%+ of people have it work.

I recommend waiting until chapter 8 and then there will be quite a bit of sexual content that's pretty ambitious.
Penetration so far is just with Emelie, though. 
When ch 8 is out you can just pay 3 dollars and then remove your pledge and you'll have the chapter. Then do it again in a year or something if you feel like getting more! It's a fair bit of new content. 

(1 edit)

There are sound effects! Or you mean specifically for the sex scenes? ( I read your comment below ) 
It would be cool but I think it could end up poorly. And I would want all the moans to sound like theyre from the same person so I'd prolly need voice actors and it'd take a ton of extra time.

I plan to translate the game when it's further along! Maybe I'll translate chapters 1-4 before the game is done though..

Hello! That chapter was Ch6.
After that chapter there is one with the big pig woman Bronwen where you go to her house. ( chapter 7 ) 
At the end of Ch7 you go to the baths with Emelie.

I am right now working on Ch8. It's a chapter with just Emelie. I hope it'll be out within a month.

Trueee, edited.


Try "Hooked!" by Blenderknight.
It's really new though, so doesn't have too much content yet.

"Summertime Saga" & " Code Pink: Space Rescue " are fun!
I also recommend "Elfheim".

^ These games are still in development.

"Good girl gone bad" is fun and completed, but has some extreme stuff in it and is from the female character's POV. Not for everyone, but well done and pretty ambitious with the routes and amount of content.

I've played a lot of hentai games ( Especially Renpy games in preparation for my own.)
But I don't really love all that many porn games honestly. The ones I wrote above did keep my interest though and do some fun stuff with the same VN engine I'm using.

I hope to release it on Steam in the future, yeah!

Hello! I don't have a Discord but I've considered doing some sort of mentorship thing at some point. Follow me on Twitter/X that's probably where I would make an announcement if I chose to!

Hello! It won't be free all the way. I'm not sure if content will be free past Chapter 4 actually. Ch4 is a good end part for a free version. ( We're currently on Ch3 on the free version ) 
After that I think they might all require payment!

Yeah, I have that fear too.

(1 edit)

Our player character ends up banging many girls. I try to write it in a way where it doesn't come off as cheating/backstabby.

None of the main gals ( Emelie,Victoria,Bronwen,Maple) will be banging other dudes in the game.

Right now the very rough plan is ~ 14 chapters.
So chapter 8 is not the final chapter. It is a decent stopping point tho if you wanna play like half the game and then wait for more.
( Chapter 4 will be free faaairly soon too, which is also a good stopping point. ) 

But don't hold me to that rough chapter estimate at all. I thought I could get the whole beach section done in a quick chapter but I spent an entire year on it and split it up over 3 chapters because I kept adding to it and it got super ambitious.
I'll try not to let that kinda thing happen again though.

So yeah, the full game will probably take 2+ years to be completed.

Chapter 4 will become public after Ch8  is out on Patreon. I'm done with all the art for Ch8 and am coding it right now. I hope within 2 months.

The full game can be downloaded after subbing on patreon and then you can just unsubscribe immediately. It's 3 dollars.
I recommend waiting for me to release Ch8 on Patreon ( Should be in a little over a month ) 
And then get that chapter and you will have the most recent stuff!

Glad you got it to work at least! Thank you very much! :D

On which platform? I haven't heard of this issue other than maybe on some phones.

I make a Patreon update every 2 weeks ( Mid month and end/start of month. ) 
I'm done with all the art for Ch8 now and will get to coding/writing next. Update will not be out in July that I am 100% certain of.

Try "Aurelia" by Mirthal. Probably my fav porn game and I believe he's aiming to finish it this year!
And maybe "Code Pink: Space Rescue." !
 Hope you like those!

there are different answers depending on different parts chosen, but there is a special little sound effect if you pick all the " right " options and she gives you a special comment.

If you pick horrible options there is also some unique dialogue!

It won't affect anything long-term though.

I might do that and create some early access Steam thing in the future. But that would be after Ch4 is public in many months I think! No immediate plans at all though.

You get charged right as you pledge on the Patreon, so you'll still have to pay. Unless there's some sneaky way around it.

Ch4 will be, not sure about after that.

Chapter 7 took 8 months, which was a lot longer than I expected. ( I got sick with mono and moved and stuff. ) 
Ch 8 is going to be shorter, but it has some complex shiet in it too. I hope no longer than ~ 4-5 months but recently I've been underestimating my ability to do work quick.


You get all 3 chapters by downloading the latest build here.

The download link on Patreon has all 7 chapters in the file.

Steam would be ideal with itch as a way to buy the game on Android.
But I don't know if I will sell the game in any way besides Patreon until the game is 100% complete. Which could take years. So you'll likely be stuck with Ch 4 for a good while if you aren't willing to jump to Patreon.

Haha i do indeed consciously hide the player characters face/hair as much as I can. You get to see his mouth in some scenes though because drawing stuff like kissing/oral sex is difficult if I've gotta hide his entire face.

The game will not be free when completed, but I think I will post chapters 1-4 here for free eventually. ( ch3 out for free today! )

The plan is to hopefully sell the full release on Steam and maybe use too since it allows for selling the android build. 
IDK about the price tag yet since I might go with a publisher when the time comes who will know better about such things.

Ch3 is out for free now!
I think I will release ch4 publically at some point too, but not sure if any more chapters after that.
Thank you very much! :D

Thank you very much!
That hair is actually from chapter 7 and a bit forward! But I thought it looked nice so I put it on her in the banner haha.

I might put that in there sometime. But there's no mention of it yet!

I think 1-4 will be public at some point! Not sure if anything after that.

Thank you for sticking up for me and answering/clearing things up here in the comments, dood! Much appreciated. <3

Out now!

I've gotta finish this one first!

Thank you very much!!

I know I'll make Chapter 4 public too in the future! ( Probably like a year left until I do that, though! ) 
And then I don't know if I will release any more builds public. Ch4 is a good ending point in the narrative for free content.

The zebra can have a pussy or a penis. She shows up in Chapter 5.There isn't much content with her yet!

Yes! I plan to release Ch3 public when Ch7 is out!

Thank you so muchh! :D
I'm aiming for before the end of the year!