I don't recall what the ping was back then, but if I were to check now it says 42ms for the server I was on.
Cyber Akuma
Recent community posts
I think I ran into some potential bugs, which is odd because I could have sworn I had no issue with these previously. (I tried checking version 1.0 and it was bugging out the same as the current one).
In Wildwood I noticed that if I jump in the water along the beach, even the one close to the club, I sort of clip through the water a little and you sort of see under it as if that part of the stage is missing. Considering how glitchy it looks (especially when trying to go to the club) and difficult it makes it to jump out this didn't seem intentional.
The other that I also discovered in Wildwood but seems to effect other areas are coming in contact with just about any moving object. Your character/the object seems to glitch out and start stuttering/shaking. Many times this seems to cause either the object or you to get flung. When I tried jumping on the tram car it would stutter and slow down, and sometimes just disappear. And I was almost never able to ride the Ferris Wheel for more than about 10 seconds, as I would then either suddenly clip through it, or get yeeted so fast and far out of bounds that the game doesn't even realize I have gone OOB and I have to manually respawn.
This seemed to be happening with the pistons in The Anomaly too, which is odd since I had gone through that level several times previously with no problem, but now I could not manage to get past them as I would keep clipping through them.
It seems to be slightly more stable when playing offline, but it was having issues both singleplayer and multiplayer.
Nice! I loved Vine Realms last year, played it to death. So quite excited to play an expanded sequel-like game. Loving what I have played so far.
I don't know if you are listening to any suggestions or bug reports or anything like that, especially obviously not right now, but if you did want some feedback for later, there was three things that stuck out for me that I thought could help improve the experience a bit, namely with the controls.
First thing I noticed was that the game only gave me inputs for using a controller, not for keyboard/mouse. Even when I unplugged the controller. So because of this I had no idea how to use my keyboard/mouse to equip anything since I didn't know what button it was, and the manual didn't mention that part either.
Second, by any chance, would it be possible to have an option to invert up/down camera on the controller?
And the final one, it was tricky to tell where I am going to land when jumping, especially for the minigames, as I have no shadow. If my character had a shadow it would help a lot with aiming my jumps, or is this intentional for the difficulty?
Not sure how it would work if you have a TV or multiple displays connected, it might not support outputting over 60Hz to a TV (since I think TVs only go above 60hz for active 3D, many of the ones that advertise that they are 120 or 240hz actually only accept a 60hz signal and internally up-convert it to 120 or 240) or it might lock all the displays to a refresh rate that all of them can do.
Glad to hear about the V-Sync toggle being added. While obviously fixing the issue would be preferred, I admit that is harder to do (especially if you don't have a similar display to test) and could be a lot of work depending on how much of the game is tied to the refresh. If getting it to work with v-sync is too much of an issue, is it possible to somehow have the game detect if the display is above 60hz and default the v-sync to off if it is?
I noticed a pretty nasty bug that makes the game completely unplayable on newer/gaming monitors.
At first I was completely and utterly pulling my hair out at the sheer difficulty. I mean, I have played Super Meat Boy, and yet I could not get past the third level of this game! I died over 100 times in level 3 alone, it felt like the game was just plain running too fast. The water just zooms up at the point where you pretty much have to speed-run the entire level, the green lizard character was hopping around with the speed of Sonic but with very little control, it barely would cling to wall for a quarter of a second before falling, it felt like I never had even close to enough time to react to anything, as if the entire game was running in fast forward....
.... and it turns out, that's exactly what was going on. I have a 144hz monitor, and I have seen this issue before with 2D games that have v-sync enabled. Many of them just simply advance the game by one frame every time the monitor refreshes, issue is, many also fail to take into account that there are monitors that operate at 120hz, 144hz, or even 240hz. Meaning the game can run anywhere from twice to FOUR times as fast on these monitors. And depending on the game, not all elements are even synced to the refresh, so it's possible for some elements of the game to run far faster than they are supposed to, but not others.
I have seen this exact issue crop up in other 2D games, I experienced it in Shovel Knight (was able to temporarily fix it by turning off V-Sync until the game was patched), Phantom Breaker (no option to disable V-Sync, so had to wait for a patch) and specific levels in Fox n Forest (no option to disable v-sync AND was not patched).
As soon as I used a setting to force my monitor into 60hz mode, this game became significantly more playable and felt like it was running in slow motion (likely because I was so used to it running so much faster). So this might be something you want to look into, more and more monitors are being manufactured with refresh rates of 120, 144, or 240hz nowadays, and this game is unplayable on all of those because of this.