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A member registered Sep 25, 2021

Recent community posts

I'll add to this:

Nice little brothel manager, nice art. Just from their portraits, I'd like to know their traits and stories, eg shopkeeperchan.
Meaningfull upgrades other than just another room, and seeing steap increasing monthly costs additionally to the investment cost adds some deeper level of investment strategy. I find that more enjoyable than the typical debtpayoff with willinilly increasing rates.

What I'd like improvement on: 
Adding girls to customers to rooms is repetitive and much clicking. As OP said, maybe automatic return after you add one couple to one room helps, or having smaller room icons (without clean information maybe) in the matching window. So you should go to room window to clean them, but you could ignore that for fast matchmaking.

An upgrade that cleans rooms between customers (might be impolemented but not found)

Some character depth, various reactions to the potions (probaply planned, when you state their flavorprofile), reactions from the shopkeeper, etc.

I don't know if your current model of "earn xp to unlock customer service cg" can compete with other brothelsims, where you can add infinite pictures and maybe unlock picture sets (positions) or player interactions. On the other hand, art is time consuming. Fleeting imagery can be found anywhere on the internet, a working game framing that is IMHO far more important.

Nice visuals, fast and snappy controls. Love the skirt flip on free fall. Good luck with this promising game.

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I am stuck in the tutorial rape scene...
Edit:nvm spammed keyes. The heart was hard to see. My 5 cents so far: interesting premise, nice girls. Bar game was enjoyable to an extend. The clunky handling kinda breaks it rn. Only 3 girls + bartender so far(?) no use for the pithole (?), I can't buy anything (?), I'd love to fast switch between morphed and chest with second tab on shift. And how do the damn knights from over nowhere know which barrel I am? Any buyable upgrades like better defense/more offense, bigger rape range or better hiding? Speed I wouldn't temper with, not with the current button lag.

Oh and maybe rethink layout of bar, when pressing right to go upstairs lead to pressing right to go downstairs is not nice. Maybe use UP/DOWN to switch?

that explains. What's needed?

how comes the rolled card shows "curious" but the collection card only shows "indifferent?

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I have found a minor bug. At one iteration you nerfed the healing of "Lone Wolf" by not applying the strength multiplier to healing. Working as intended. The "human" counterpart "My heart is yours" which can be bought at inn also mechanically only boosts attack but not healing, but the card description for healing still shows scaled up values with increasing strength.

The Inn-cards seem overlocked, found another one: While the monster-healing cards have a "Depletes after play" function, the inn-cards do not.

But honestly I think the difficulty is kinda over the top now, losing 50 max HP in "new game +" and restricting the use of cards that give extra max health. I mean, I told you about this exploit in the first place, but now there is no need for those "increase max health cards" anymore since the healing is nerfed so bad you rarely reach top of your health. And blocking is outclassed so easily with poison or overpowering strength. Only viable build now are lots of free cards like ambush + lone wolf to keep at least a little repeatable healing.

But I have to say I like the new boss with that special ability.

"As a bonus, cultivate relationships with these beauties; win their hearts and watch as they slowly fall for you!"

Do I as a player have any influence on the gain or loss of "grace"? Seems completely random to me...

The continue is great. It's fairly exploitable with the "raise max health" cards, 'though. But so I got the chance to deliberately tackle the oni fields, which I usually completely avoid.

Would be nice to have some rng variation in the cards you can buy in the shop.

And maybe a new card set? Maybe elemental magic? Or aquatic themed?

Keep it up, it's really fun.

Nice, although I kinda liked the UI in 0.0.4 a bit better. But I can get acquired to it. But gameplay wise I think either healing or blocking needs a buff. The whole game grows or falls with your first three encounters. If you don't have functional healing by then, you can effectively drop it. RNG is mighty, an early shop is useless with no income, an encounter can be a single 50hp wolf or 250hp madness. It's odd when first encounters are more difficult than second to last.

I have one single balancing request that might help anyone: make the healing of "Lone Wolf: Deal 3 damage, heal 3 HP" scale with strength as well. Does not need to affect the other healing cards, but this alone should help.

I tried several times to block and heal back up before turning ogre route, but it's really hard if rng is not particular nice to you.

Also: some nice image as trophy for beating the last boss would be nice, rn it is visually more attractive to lose...

You have a great project here, I really enjoyed plaing so far.

kinda confused of your downloads, Linux, Win AND pc???

sadly, the plus content to the prequel didn't do it any good. Pure RNG is just unplayable with that many items.

Nice one. Enjoyed playing. Nice to see NOT the Black Market type of death, disposal and the sorts... Although I have to add it was kinda hard even on "normal" to come by with any profit, leveling the girls was more expensive than lucrative. Switched to easy and some levels after it's "fine" - with not much to spare. The moods of the customers seem rather random. You didn't say you don't like Mazou, it's my objectively best girl in the best room, you dickhead. See if I care... Uhmm yes fun game indeed. Where's my past 3 hours been?

Late but welcome. Thanks.

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Lewdest idea: Tooltip which locker does what. yeah it's in How to play, but it would be easier with just a tooltip.

Another gameplay improvement: gain points when deleting (changing) a locker, speed up time (maybe both behind a special locker purchase).
To calm the security level, I play nursery with passive lockers since there is noone passing by anyway (lure locker maybe?). It's boring as heck, speed up time would be great.

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In 0.48.1 Windows, the visual effect of bra underneath doesn't seem to work. Being drenched or having Vibrosuit open top, it doesn't change wether bra is worn or not, always visual as if no bra is worn.

And also I'm not quite sure, there seem to be no pin ups to find. Might be my jump from paid for 0.48.0 to open 0.48.1, 'though.

in the same situation I got the award "taking off the badge". I guess that's not supposed to happen then.

Interesting concept. It seems rather random wether or not you find the one ingredient that you really need, and I don't quite get if I myself need to deliver ingredients to get upgrades - because my time is better spent killing the enemy and finding clocks.

nice idea

Nice, but too easy. Up to 750 ish meters on day one and naturally up to surface on day 2 after I could spend nearly 200 diamonds on upgrades.

The booster doesn't need any fuel left and lets the player keep marching on to the next fuel, but doesn't help particularly good in steering/faster movement. So I had no reason not to hold on to them and use them as range extension.

Maybe add layers of denser material, slowing the gamer down, so we have to use the bossters more frequently or risk running dry on fuel...

And now I've been softlocked in the first fight of the VR-realm, because after the second round, the game finished the enemies movement but didn't start my turn. I am waiting for nothing, can't save because of battle.

Nearly no animation is loading. Throb gets to wear a Santa hat, but it's not compatible to the GAG gear in Throb's quest or the punkjacket despite hoody removed.

There are so many bugs. Version ? I've played months ago was way more stable and the reason why I now dropped money on this. 

I'll grant you your Christmas time, but when you drop an "update" on Christmas Eve, at least make sure it doesn't break everything the previous versions were good for.

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V0.48.0 Win has some rendering issues, doing the barjob getting fingered twice and afterwards taking a shower (first time), Jenna isn't showing up, only the hand and the watershower.

Another bug, NPC reacting to Vibrosuit being openchest even if other clothes (Punk outfit) is equipped.

And I would have assumed after needing to pay here, at least the "not for free version" items would be usable. Kinda playing with expectations here...

to be honest, after your "capturing" post, I had hoped that V0_55 would let me do that, but it's still the same. Sad.

okay bought the game, but the info is quite scarce. In the "normal mode" there are only three things that could be damaged, the little stunts of the girls aren't that bad. Has the vent been completely ignored now? What do the different thingies you can buy for your desk do? Somehow once I got an explanation between the energy drink and the wipes, but that explanation didn't show up again. With knife I get thrown into a minigame with no explanation and apparently no working point counter... from the other map I have no clue at all what to do and died within seconds... The animations are good and there are many gimmicks, but the lack of information is disturbing.

That's exactly my point. I did use the tools meant to avoid throwing new threads over old topics - but they failed me.
Only manually looking lead me to this exact thread here, which I then chose to add my 50 cents to. So people can see this topic is still important, without me opening something new over something old.

I've choosen the word "mods" because this thread apparently opens with the discussion that the mods rather frown over the frequent complains and attempt to shut them down, and another user (I guess) suggested that sticking this thread could help - which in my case, it did. 

But yes, actually solving the problem apparently every week someone asks for - someone unaware of the dozens of times that exact question has been asked before - would be task for the devs, not the mods. My bad.

Really nice art, fun minigames, good writing. Found a bug in the dancing minigame, left and up worked fine but down and right didn't register, neither on arrow keys nor on s d. Other than that I can only wait for more (Chloe in most cases ^^)

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okay, never played FNAF nor am I a an Apple fanboy. I give you credit for the design of the cherry device, but the ringing sound, clicking on Ipad instead of the phone right next to it and how to close an apple, pardon cherry application had me confused.

Then again, what am I even supposed to do here? The dude's still talking and I have a robo girl on either side of the windows and a third one looming at the floor, closing the doors helps for like 12 seconds. 

EDIT: nvmd, was looking at the wrong rooms, now I kinda get the hang of it. Good enough for a demo, let's buy this.

Never seen a before. It runs, it functions, solid objects don't clip through... Nice so far. Interesting story and art concept. The Imps are quite annoyingly tough right now, fast, high damage and tanky. Even though I found some equipment, restoring health at the fires respawns every enemy... and the treelady - whether 3rd enemy or first boss I don't know - was hard hitting and debuffing. Neither equipment nor items helped there, maybe level grinding...
Liked the variety, the overall setting, the walking sprite rearside seemed somewhat plump, visuals for equiped armor would be nice, enemies somewhat hard. Would check in later again. ;)

I've been annoyed by the flood of Visual Novels and after months I've reached the point of wanting to rant.
As a good hearted internet person, I'd do the sensible thing and first search for it: "tag exclude" "tag exclusion search"... I've found ONE post, refering to another, refering to this 5 year old reply: well that won't be enough. Another search for "search" and manually overlooking 20 posts... yeah no, nothing relating to my intend that I could add to. Obviously, I have to make my own post. Then I look for the right place to drop my rant instead of "General" and find this neat sticky thread. Yes, sticking it to top has just now prevented at least one additional rant thread. Reading through, I wanna say: If you mods feel bothered by the apparently weekly rants asking for that function, then tell me why was it so hard to find this? Why after 5 years we still need URL-editing to exclude one single tag instead of having a neat little button? Why feel you offended if anyone asks for multiple filters? You have a big fat library of great games so  EVERYONE can find SOMETHING . But NOTHING itself is right for EVERYONE. Some people like this, some people like that, and since you have a (great, I may add) sortiment of tag "adult" games, the obsession with thinning down to the good stuff is a very personal matter.

It's not about "Visual Novels are bad" or "Horror Games are gross" or "Too much letters in the rainbow, where is the straight stuff". It's about "today I want to find this one specific thing that I can't find when the results are flooded with this other general thing". It can be something easy like "Roguelike but no shooters please" or something complicated like "Action but no platformer, Rich Story but no Visual Novel, Laidback but no Sandbox"... Of course the function stands and falls with how the creators tag their works. But hey, anyone ever been to any booru site knows that stuff.

And please do make a button so the next one does not have to search for a 5 year old devpost to learn how to URL-edit for single tag exclusion.

Just another idea, regarding the existing locker types:

The passive locker: have the option to manually eject the captured girl and choose another. Simply cosmetic reasons. No point gain, maybe a slight point loss (cooldown before the automatic points cash in)

The gas locker: have a toggle button so you can manually deactivate them, if you want the heat (to lure more teachers, cops, curious girls in general). Selling and reinstalling them is way to expensive and dangerous, if the heat spikes too fast. So just SPACE to shut off or on.

The automatic locker: have a setting for only shocked/lewd/teacher/cop... also toggling on/off might be usefull.

Any locker: clicking the arrow (indicator which way the girl will leave) should insta-eject (top 3 seconds) the girl so one has the chance to avoid mass panic by miocromanaging ecections (at the cost of points, obviously).

The ideas just keep coming. I just hope you don't spend 80% of your time on creating more exclusive waifus. With time spend on game mechanics, I assume you'd please both the public and your patreons.

Did I read...Tanlines? o.O

This. !!  But NOT ONLY plain white panties, but ALSO plain white panties.

1) multiple girls in a locker

2) corruption, lewded girls might

2a) join in on an abduction right before their noses, leading to 1)

2b) calm/intercept shocked girls, which may lead to

3) girl on girl action in the hallways! At least kissing... hopefully more

4) some locker upgrade that calls more girls to the stage. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but in the nursery there is no freaking anyone. when I see 6 girls whole day it has been much. But I guess the portal locker might do the trick... 

5) release playable versions that don't crash every other minute.