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A member registered Apr 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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agreed, that it kinda lacks - there was not enough time for me to create it, though

oh yeah, I think I posted it as a .tar which requires WinRAR 🤔 that is kinda dumb of me

oh, okey, makes sense, I was just a bit confused while ingame

Lovely fun game! Very polished, espetially the graphics! Thanks for creating it.

What a nice level design! You made a lot of levels for a game jam and they were all fun.

I found the shroom (and the ending comics)! Fun game with very nice visuals. 

Very nice and fun game, love the idea. it seems that the game sometimes ends in game over very randomly though.

when an ant is caught by the shrooms you can click it to bring it to the middle panel - then you can drag and drop the mutations onto him to use them, but the time is ticking!

I tried to add the controls into the game description to make it clearer. Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, I am sure there were some of these. If I had time, I would give it to a few playtesters to tell me about them. However since I made them myself I kinda knew what they would do and so it was hard to figure it out.

same here :(

Sorry for late response... :/ And also thanks for the comment! Yeah, I would never imagine myslef of creating such graphics :D but here we go!

The gameplay machanics are not that much about pathing the mammoths and more about stopping (or more like slowing down) the humans. I hoped the player would figure out. Me myself I I like it more in such small games. But knowing it wasn't selfexplanatory enough is a great feedback! Thanks a lot :D

Yeah, that one guy took me a while... xD thanks for the response! :D

Thanks for the comment! Super glad you enjoyed it. And yeah... unfortunatelly I had no time for sfx :(