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Cyrus Rite

A member registered Aug 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Sounds like fun

Thank you. I love creativity and making various games is a great use of it.  Someday I may find a design that I think is best and then focus on that, but for now I'm experimenting with various ways to play.  

Looks interesting

That would be most excellent. 

Yes you roll a d20 for that ability .  You roll the die or dice that relate to what challenge you face.

The Sense ability is when you have a feeling or  experience to figure out things that are not necessarily related to knowledge or wisdom?

Awesome job.

I have sent two letters to Support. They never respond. I asked them on X and they never respond. I don't think support exists.

Is there a way to set up my account so that any donations go directly to support Itch?

Players what do you think of Let it Roll?

You're most welcome, and thank you for taking a look. You are right, some people can not grasp FKR. To me it is the true engine of roleplaying. Why let some random dice roll decide what happens. Logic should rule the outcomes.

You suddenly Awaken with a deep gasp, finding yourself in some sort of cold metallic chamber. You set up and quickly look around but do not recognize your surroundings. 

You try to remember how you got here, but cannot recall anything other than your name.

You look yourself over and find that you have nothing on, so you examine yourself and find no sign of any injury.

You set there for a moment, trying hard to remember something, anything, of your past, but it’s all gone. 

Whatever you once knew, has been forgotten or erased.

This looks good. Well done.

Not downloadable yet.

Should be ready tonight or tomorrow morning.

Thank you very much. I really appreciate the feedback.

My thinking was that actions should not fall to just a random dice roll.

It is now in PDF form. Thanks again.

Thank You, this was done by mistake.

Want to see if I'm following correctly.

 In your example - The referee decides the guard is dim witted, so the difficulty die is d4. 

So the player rolls whatever Wit dice they have assigned?

I had to go read thru. I actually did have a method for leveling. ?It is on page 5 under Reward.


Experience (exp) point rewards for success should reflect the difficulty of the challenge.

For an easy challenge of 1, Grant 5 exp.

Increment as the challenge becomes harder.

10 exp for a 2. 15 exp for a 3, 20 exp for a 4

and 25 exp for a hard challenge of 5.

Use exponential increments to level up. 

Start at 0, then require 100 for level One. 300 for level Two 600 for level Three and so on.

Yes. You use a point to better the odds.

Thanks for the feed back Karl.  These are great observations.

Aspects and Skills.  Aspects may be  used as transferable Points.

When you face a challenge to the Body you may want to Transfer a Point from the Mind or Spirit to boost the Body. 

Skills are more Detail of the main Aspect of the Mind, Body or Spirit. 

If Body is dominant, then Strength, Agility, Dexterity would fit well.

They are more of a descriptive guide for what Aspect you would use on a given challenge.  If the challenge requires  Strength, Agility, or Dexterity, then the Body Aspect would be used. 

Leveling up. You are right I never explained leveling up. Wow! great catch. 

I would think that at the end of an adventure, one could increase a point to each of the three Aspects. What do you think?

At a Quick Look. I like what you have done here.

Will give it a test play or two and give you some feedback. 

I converted this into a module, but am writing a new point based game now.


Is there a way to reorder the list of projects.

In other words how can I move a game to the top of the list on my page?

I believe it was on 

Awesome! Thanks for sharing

Great work.

Looks good.

Thanks, for checking it out. Let me know how the play goes.  I think attribute pools are a good way to go. Any feedback is much appreciated.  

(1 edit)

V7 doesn't have hyperlinking and hand drawn graphics.