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A member registered May 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you! This is all great feedback. 

I wish I had taken some time to spruce up those save points, really kicking myself for it now. The drone enemies and that first boss were both last minute additions, so it makes sense that they have some problems. I’m glad you brought up the music too, because it’s something we might not have thought about otherwise.

We’ll definitely keep your suggestions in mind as we continue development.

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback.

Nice game! All of the basic systems are here and it seems fairly polished. The pixel art is crisp, and I liked the calm atmosphere the music lends to the game. Combat wise it felt strange to not be able to swing the sword in the air at first but it made sense after getting the air slash. The main criticism I would give has to do with the boss. When I first reached it I did not have the air slash, Which might have been a bit too hidden for something so critical. Even after getting the air slash it was hard to tell if I was doing damage to the boss. I resorted to firing the blaster constantly just to get the recharge feedback on my sword. Still, I did have fun. Overall it was quite an enjoyable experience.

Save rooms do exist, but unfortunately we failed to telegraph them in any way. If you find a green tinted room with a bullseye floating in it, jumping into that should restore your health and save the game. Thanks for the kind comments though, and thanks for giving the game a shot.

Right you are! Seems I placed them on the wrong layer, sorry about that. Thanks for letting me know, and thanks for playing.

Thanks for the kind words, and for sticking with it to get it to work. The difficulty is mostly the result of me not doing enough (or any) play testing, so that's on me. Thanks again.

(3 edits)

That's unfortunate. It was working when I first checked it. But yeah it does seem to have problems now. Clicking on the game causes the start menu to break. If the Start button is red hitting space should let you select a level. If not try refreshing the page.