Thank you for this little game.
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Use paul levi to reach out to kpd, have high relations with kpd, put spy in comintern, choose not to reveal the Wittorf Affair, have the foreign ministry to reach out to the soviet union and give them free money, then ask them about the wittorf affair. Then, continue to maintain high relations while ensuring the the soviet union think the spd are 'communist enough'. This can be done by choosing the left as the main party direction and attacking the bourgeoisie parties. Then, the event for the conciliatory to take over kpd will fire at one point.
At the start of the game, take the shuffle leadership card, fire everyone, hire everyone from the left faction, fire everyone from the left faction, hire everyone back from the left faction, repeat until very high for dissent for the left faction, repeat for each faction, so everyone—centrist, leftist, labour, and reformist—resigns, causing a collapse in the polls as the SAPD gets very large. Then, pick only bad cards, such as enforcing party discipline, increasing fundraising, and decreasing Reichsbanner funding. After each election, always pick no governing majority. Repeat until after the great depression and Hitler will be the chancellor. For the Young Plan event, do not campaign for either side. Remember not to pick the right-wing coalition after every election. Now, only 1% of Catholics and 0% of everyone else like the SPD. 1 seat SPD is now formed.
Warning! It makes the game much less fun.
Make a safe, get a card, if it is not the card you like, go back to your previous save, press the advisor, press return back to main, get another card. If it is not the card you like, go back to your previous save, press the advisor, press return back to main, press the advisor again, press return back to main again the get another card. Repeat until you get the card you want. You can also save after pressing the advisor and going back to main several times, without getting the card, in order to prevent having the press the advisor many times again to change to the card you want. Remember that the sequence of the card that comes out is always the same if you repeat the process the same number of times.
Can you make it so that the neo revisionist card would appear as soon as the nsdap gets high enough polling? From a realism perspective, people would notice that they are getting more popular with or without the election taking place, so the neo revisionist movement would still begin. From a game play perspective, it is not possible for those who play by getting the weimar coalition early in (me), and then try and constantly buy time, never having an early election to get the card. By the time the election happens, the nsdap would have lost so much support that the neo revisionist movement cannot happen. Or some other way the neo revisionist cards can appear for those that never have early elections.
It is in the demo. I was working in the factory for the first shift, but then, I press shift. The quota restarted and when I finished, the game things that I have already done 2 shifts, so I get back home. The next day, when I finish the first shift of the second day, the 'cutscene' where the factory friend tells that that is basically the job appears.
There is an exploit where I can just insert a negative amount when giving jobs, so I can get a lot of unemployed people and negative amounts in certain jobs. This allows me to get a lot of resources. However, this broke the game and the villagers stopped producing anything at all and just consumed resources only.
edit: playing this game normally is quite fun, though it is weird that a single builder can build so many houses and that you can get to negative resources without dying immediately.