This is superb. The music, animations, implementation of the idea, gameplay. I personally love when games implement time bending mechanics. I hope it wins this jam :D
The idea of a bullet hell maze is great! though i didn't see the 10 seconds theme the overall(music, gameplay, graphics) is pretty cool :D It would have been awesome to get some kind of a feedback when you get shot(sound, animation)
The idea of throwing water to the sun is great lol tough it would have been great to add some animations that shows you that is going darker, i hadn't reach the end so i couldn't watch the sun turning off. I don't see the theme of 10 seconds in the game :/ . The bullet patterns is great
This game is the perfect definition of a bullet hell game :). Great use of the 10 seconds theme. Creative bullet patterns. Maybe adding an sfx to let you know that your weapon is fully charged would have enhanced the gameplay experience