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D. Deschamps Magnetiques

A member registered Nov 09, 2016 · View creator page →

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Merci beaucoup !

J'avais suivi ce stream (sauf le dernier qui est tombé pile le jour où je ne pouvais pas regarder en direct).

C'est là que j'ai découvert qu'il ne fonctionnait pas, suite à une mise à jour d' mais visiblement ça n'a pas suffit à le faire fonctionner à temps.

Et oui, ça me met bien en avant, on dirait une adaptation des critiques littéraire/cinéma/jeu vidéo¹ qui n'ont pas lu/vu/joué² au sujet du test.

Enfin merci, et félicitation pour le tiens aussi, bien mis en avant dans CPC. Et il est vraiment bien foutu, chapeau ! <3

¹ Rayer les mentions inutiles.

² Rayer aussi les mentions inutiles.

Well, it's hard to explain but my submission use iframes with itself in it (the app load the app which load the app in frames).

But itch seems to prevent iframes. Not only iframes from other domains.

That's the point.

I feel a little bit angry for a lot of reasons, not only after the sitelock update. The gamejam was planned for August 2019. It was then decided to add one more month. Then the magazine take two more months to set the winners and another month before announcing the winner (the next magazine printing. And the sitelock update comes in the middle of all those delays.

It's bad luck as if any of those steps did not happened, I would have not face any issue.

So yeah, there is a little bit of bitterness in all that stack of events, unfortunately for myself.

Is it your fault ? No, it's not your only fault. Is it the gamejam endorsers one ? No, it's not their only fault.

Is it mine ? Yeah, sure. I should have switch from web to downloadable content sooner than what I do.

But the sitelock update should  not have prevent a legitimate hosted game to run on the platform. That's what I tried to explain (not in my native language).

This feature broke my submission for a gamejam.

The magazine that endorse the gamejam make a review of all games but mine as it was f*cked up on

Well... Actually it's to late to change anything and it's funny – in a very special way – to be the only one with a broken submission.

But well... That joke is not worth the maybe 30 hours I spent on this gamejam.

All I can hope, as I work in software development, is that you could have some more experience after «that disaster» (that the way I refer to it when I think about it) to avoid unexpected behaviours.


No, I only embed mine. The other ones were only videos.

Thanks a lot. I will follow your link.

Hey! I got it!

It must be because the game loads itself in an iframe at the end!

Actually my game jam entry is an adaptation of the game jam entries themselves and you can play my game in my game. And yes, I must confess that it's silly.

But when you check that the game is not hotlinked, do you look at the domain ? Or a game loaded from an iframe is considered an hotlinked one ?

Thanks !

Hey !

One of my game for a gamejam doesn't work anymore, and a link leads here so...

Can you help me ? I already look a little bit stupid on streams showing your hotlink issue... 🥺

At least it was not a stream for the gamejam results... 😀

Han ! Trop bien ! Merci du taf !

Ah bah c'est moi alors.

J'ai testé une ou deux portes et j'ai pas insisté...

(Mais j'ai toujours été nul en jeu vidéo... Je suis comme Bolloré, je suis là pour l'argent, moi, pas pour l'art).

J'aime beaucoup le principe, et le monde gigantesque.

Enfin, il parait-être gigantesque quand on entame son 12e tour de village sans trouver l'antidote.

Merci beaucoup !

À noter que l'IA commençant avant que vous, vous ne commenciez, vous pouvez régler la difficulté en lui laissant de l'avance.

Je fais souvent ça avec mes enfants — leur laisser de l'avance — pour pouvoir les battre au dernier instant et ainsi être le père détestable qu'ils méritent afin de surmonter leur syndrôme d'Œdipe.