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A member registered Mar 13, 2021

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(1 edit)

Lilly becomes easier to handle with time. You just have to keep in mind that when her father left, she was a total daddy's girl and it broke her heart. Her mother's marriage to Frank, in turn, has made the chances of her biological father returning one day even more unlikely. At the same time, she's probably worried that if she does open up to him, he'll one day disappear from her life just like her father did and he'll take Abby with him, so she'd lose them both.

But I can promise you, she'll get better. There is still a bit of drama to come with her, but the dust is settling and she is actually my favorite of the three sisters.

As for Becca, yes she is manipulative, but unlike her mother she doesn't do it out of spite but because she cares about her family (Abby, Frank, Lilli) and wants the three of them to stay together.

Frank's understanding of Lilli's situation is understandable: he knows her story well enough and knows that even if she explodes often enough, she is still very hurt. He will have had enough conversations about this with Shannon and Becca in the past. Apart from that, he knows that deep inside she has a good core, like her acceptance and protective instinct towards Abby.

I think Frank is a counterbalance to Shannon, so to speak: Shannon never really cared about Lilli coming to terms with the loss of her father, I think she will have either buried herself in her work or searched for answers at the bottom of a bottle of alcohol from time to time. Frank on the other hand was the exact opposite, even if she always pushed him away. Since we learn from conversations that the two had quite, not necessarily "good times" in the classical sense but a certain normality without excessive conflict.

Another point I can imagine is that in some situations she reminds him of his first wife Jessica, Abby's mother: Always in conflict with Shannon, an incredibly unlucky hand with men, general problems with birth parents but a good heart, unlike her mother.

I've had the thought in the past that if Jessica were still alive and she and Lilli got to know each other, she'd probably have some problems with her at first (Lilli does have some similarities to her mother at that age, and some tempered traits), but I think over time they'd get along, but I think they would get along with each other over time (even if it's just to piss Shannon off even more), when they realize that they are not so different and that she would be a kind of mother substitute for Lilli, which her biological mother is not really until the present of the plot.

Long story short: Give it a chance.

You'll learn more about the situation that led to Jess's death in later updates, such as some info about the person who had to cause it and a bit about the aftermath.

I would say that this description of Abby does go a bit far. Where I agree: The alcohol disinhibits her quite a bit and she's a lightweight when it comes to drinking.

I think the situation where she grabs Becca had the thought process of "oh, there's my stepsister I'm going messing with." In the long history of alcohol, Abby is certainly not the first person to have had such and more foolish ideas. I think that the fact that Abby has always been treated very much like a raw egg by Frank, Lilith and Becca so far means that she lacks the experience that decisions made under the influence of alcohol can have serious consequences. Becca said it herself in the scene: If it hadn't been for Abby, she would have caught one. I think a slightly chilling consequence that goes beyond embarrassment is definitely needed to make her reconsider her drinking habits. Or diabetes. Then she can say goodbye to alcohol, too.

I see the responsibility here, at least from the second time on, more with Frank: He knows by now that Abby is a lightweight and still doesn't manage to prevent Abby from getting drunk.

Apart from the drinking behavior and the handling of alcohol, however, I think the ladies are okay:

Becca is definitely manipulative and pursues her own plans but in the long run they are also for the good of Frank, Abby and Lilli, as you can see with the judge during the divorce. She definitely cares about the welfare of the three.

Abby, for one, is essential to Lilli's character development and one of the few who can calm an angry Lilli. In addition, she will also go through a certain amount of character development through a certain encounter.

Lilli is known to have a bunch of problems of an emotional nature and therefore has the greatest amount of character development ahead of her, but you start to see this in 0.11, 0.12 and Lilith's Longing.

If I remember correctly, you can help her up, but you have to categorically refuse to sleep with her the first time. Later there is a repetition of this situation, but then Frank is prepared.

I share your opinion about good and bad AVN, I also have my personal favorite authors and those that I find rather less good. Clever Name Games is one of my 4-5 favorites. Here and there you can see that there is still potential for improvement, but at the same time you can see an improvement compared to the beginning. For example, I remember a movement animation with Abby (?), which at least to me seemed very robotic or like on an automatic turntable. I think CNG didn't use something like that so actively afterwards and I just assume that CNG itself wasn't that happy with it or a patreon noted that.

Frank as the apparent main character (I have a hunch that actually Becca is the main character and we're playing a "corruption plot" in which exceptionally the player is corrupted, if that's the case and you're reading this CNG, deep respect, that should be stylistically quite innovative) is definitely a more sympathetic character compared to other characters who slip into the role of the father or paternal figure. I know of at least 2-3 AVN where the protagonist is either the father or a paternal figure and the father would either fall into the category of predator, the plot is rushed through too quickly for me personally and I feel like the character development of the female characters is getting short shrift and it's hard to see them as anything more than fetishizations or what was very new for me: the plot escalates in an absolutely new direction and you get the feeling that the author has no idea where he's actually going with the plot.

From there CNG actually does a lot right for me: The pace with Becca, Abby and Lilith is actually well chosen for me. At 0.12, Frank is actually a bit exhausting. His inner conflict makes sense and actually makes him sympathetic for me, but 0.12 is then also a bit exhausting for me here. In this context, I would like to see a bit more interaction with the masses. I respect and accept when CNG interacts more with the supporters, but it would be quite interesting for me to know if CNG here actually only wanted to troll the people who criticize Frank's inner conflict quite harshly and unconstructively. At the same time, I think that quite interesting dialogues with people who find CNG's AVN good, but do not have the money to support him, such as my person. For example, I once analyzed a certain sentence of Becca (which I won't mention here because I don't know if you already know it) and in the current update Becca explains it again and my personal assumptions actually coincide quite well with her remarks. Therefore I would like to know, for example, what CNG thinks about what it says about me that I have analyzed it relatively well. But as I said, I respect and accept CNG's decision in this regard, even if I find it somewhat regrettable.

As a conclusion I would say so far Becca and Lilli are my favorite characters: Lilli is well written in my opinion. Becca, on the other hand, is someone with whom I, as a player with some meta-knowledge, would be happy to discuss her plans, if only to find out how far I'm right and where I'm wrong.

As for the Abby grabbing an unknowing Becca scene: I assume the following things:

Frank didn't know at the time how disinhibited Abby gets from alcohol.

The situation was like a car accident: you don't want to look, but you can't look away either.

A lesson in moderation for Abby? They've known each other long enough, and I think if Abby had done that to a complete stranger, Frank would have intervened.

As for the scenes between Lilli and Abby: I think the two are primarily stepsisters with certain merits. Both have no problems with what they do with each other, but still they don't want to talk about it with the parents or the paternal figure. I can imagine that's awkward - almost as awkward as catching the parents doing it.

The safe approach the first time they go out drinking with Abby is not to get involved in sharing the bed with her. Later, Frank knows better and takes precautions.

Yes, Abby should definitely know better and I'm not a big fan of the scene either, but here's what I suspect: Lili warns Abby about Frank, of course those warnings are unfounded, but Lili is just very overprotective of Abby. Abby, unfortunately, knows no measure and drinks herself into a film tear and then wakes up half-naked next to her father figure. Even if she actually knows better, I think her reaction can't be blamed on her, in the heat of the moment.

But I can definitely say: Up to and including 0.12, no day ends with a forced game over but with a more or less restful sleep, either in bed or on the uncomfortable couch. I would therefore recommend to reconsider a few decisions in the first date with Drunk Abby or to look for a walkthrough.

NTR wouldn't fit the plot in my opinion, and I don't think it would really fit Becca's plans either. I remember vaguely that there were people who pushed Lilith's longing a bit in that direction, either because of the scenes between Lili and her then-boyfriend or because of the scene with Abby and Lili (I'm not sure about that, but most people got upset because of the scenes with Lili and her now ex-boyfriend and I just think to myself: Jesus, the girl is 19 and it's mentioned during the plot of the main game that she already had some boyfriends. I would be much surprised if she was still a virgin after x boyfriends).

I think it will be more towards light harem, Becca already said that her target is "Frank, Abby, herself, Lili and more people Frank wants in this relationship". A favorite for me would be Meiko: Her parents want to set her up with Frank, she obviously has feelings for Frank and Abby, Lili and Becca like her, so I think she will join at some point.
As for Lili and Abby: Lili is very protective of Abby and the only realistic situation for me of Lili being okay with Abby having a thing with Frank is the following: Frank and Lili are at it and a drunk (or at least pretending to be) Abby joins them. Ideally, Lili would already be very much in the mood in that situation, so Abby would have a very easy time "mouthing off" to Lili so she could join in. However, I don't see that happening for now, the focus will be on Lili building up her self-esteem, since you can learn that she feels a little intimidated by Becca and Abby in terms of her physical development. Therefore, I also think that a too early scene with Frank+Lili+Abby would not be helpful for Lili, as she would then possibly see herself in competition with Abby in terms of attention.

As for the lesbian couple Vanessa and Elizabeth: Elizabeth's bio says she wants to have a child and that Vanessa isn't against it, but she thinks they aren't ready for it yet. I doubt that they will be part of the quartet (Frank+Abby+Lili+Becca) or quintet (+Meiko), but I can imagine that if Frank respects their wishes, he might be asked if he wants to be the father of the child.

It is mentioned at the beginning that more characters will be added, but I think that the current characters are already enough as important people.

So in short I can say Becca's plan is Frank+Abby+Lili+ herself plus optionally Meiko. Vanessa will rather stay out of it, I think. Her wife Elizabeth is more bisexual but I think the two of them (her and Frank) are leaning more towards friends with benefits and only if Vanessa gives the green light, she knows about it and Frank plays by the rules.

At this point, another interesting assumption that was voiced and that is quite plausible (but so far without evidence for and against):

Becca is Frank's biological daughter. Shannon and Frank were a couple for a while at 16, until Shannon had to move in with her aunt for unknown reasons. Shannon is currently 39 and Becca 23, meaning she had Becca at 16. Shannon did not meet and marry Lilith's father until a few years later. That means it will come down to one of these theses:

1. Frank is the father and Shannon had to move away because she was pregnant.

2. Frank is not the father. Shannon had an affair/one-night stand with Becca's biological father at some point.

3. Becca is not the father, Shannon did not have an affair when she was with Frank but got someone new relatively quickly who got her pregnant.

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The following post may contain spoilers: Lilith becomes much more pleasant as the plot progresses (end of 0.11). At the beginning of 0.12 there is a small slip again, but generally she becomes well bearable.  

I think that Lilli is not such a badly written character. Her problem is that she is someone with a lot of complexes:  

She was a daddy's girl. When her dad took off in the middle of the night, it left her with a huge emotional hole. While she quickly became friends with Abby, Frank was always the intruder in her family because she still had hope that her father would come back one day. In Lilith's Longing, that's Lilli's side story, we learn at the end about some interactions from when Shannon and Frank were still married and he was very caring. So I think that Lilli didn't act that way towards Frank because she's a bitch, but simply because she had the naive hope that she would see her father again, and secondly maybe because she was afraid that if she opened up to him emotionally again she would get hurt if he ran away, which she probably doesn't think is unrealistic since she herself is aware of how she acted.  

For the same reason, she is very protective where Abby is concerned: she knows what it's like to be emotionally hurt by her own father and does everything in her power to avoid Abby experiencing the same.  

Other complexes: She is very aware that her body is not nearly as proportioned as Abby's or Becca's. While I personally don't see this as problematic, in Lilith's Longing we learn how she caught her ex-boyfriend and ex-work colleague and could hear them making fun of her figure, etc. I think that no small part of Lilli's self-healing process will focus on her finally managing to realize that her body is absolutely fine and she finally accepts it.  

In conclusion, I think Lilith manages to bring a certain amount of drama to the plot with her storyline without letting it degenerate into trash on a Rosamunde Pilcher level. And while I agree, yes Lilith is very intense in the beginning, and I don't know how common it is for stepparents and stepchildren to have a strained relationship, at least in fiction it's a relatively common motif.

Small update, apparently not everything went optimally and it will be delayed a bit. I guess (since I'm only a player this assumption is to be taken with a grain of salt) times second to third week of June.

The dev himself admits that he estimated a bit optimistically and the end of the month is unrealistic. Currently he is probably done with about half of the update.

Apparently the Patreon goal, assuming everything goes smoothly, is the end of the month.

Progress is according to Patreon at 65%.  So we can assume that the final version will come sometime between early and mid-June, if everything goes well. @Caribdis I suggest a FAQ at this point, simply to reduce certain questions at least.

Well, there is a post from May 4 regarding 0.0.8, which is only available for Patreons, but at least we can assume and cautiously hope that the next update won't take as long as the previous update.

Some decisions can lead to the ladies not being interested in you. As long as the path is active, the girls will not be interested in other guys. Strictly speaking, the mother and the teacher (she has a fiancé) would fall into the category of NTR. But as I said, there will be no case where most of the ladies (except for the teacher, where we don't know what she does when she's not around) will show interest in other guys as long as the path is active.

And as for Oliver, he can definitely try. Whether he succeeds is another story.

My guess: On the train, you'll be chased after her father and have to hide. Run to the end of the train and at some point you sort of run into Jasmine. Hide with her and have a sexy encounter with her. Don't be intimidated by her father talking with her through the door.

Caribdis wrote "probably around June".  V 0.10 is currently at around 56%.

I did. I know it is kinda odd, but i was curious about how things would go and I didn't liked the other option.

Since I'm not a Patreon I can't say that with absolute certainty, I'm just referring to the readable ("The coding and balancing kicked my butt more than I want to admit but alas - update is finally finished and given to the beta testers.Once t..."). As for the rest, it's wait and see.

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Out of curiosity, will there be visual interaction between the MC and his child(ren) in the Endings (the Ending?) where they are relevant due to the MC's decisions, or will they be mentioned purely in written form? Or is that still largely a surprise or up in the air?

Also, Stabby Mike, the hero we didn't know we needed but definitely do. Always where you least expect him, like socks. And always with a hilarious escalation in tow to help the player. He is the real hero of this game.

Also, I have to say that I really like Jasmine's development, beause in hindsight it makes sense when you have her story in mind. Likewise, I'm a little concerned about Judie, but since there are no other options there and the path isn't closed, I don't think there's an overly bad turn for her, even if she does have a propensity for getting into trouble, as I'm sure two deceased villains would agree.

And even though I feel 0.9 is a bit weaker than the other updates and I don't know why, it's just a gut feeling, this update is still on a very high level (definitely above average here in terms of quality, quantity and humor). I'm definitely looking forward to the finale and will definitely keep an eye on your follow-up.

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According to Patreon the update is ready and has been given to beta testers. That was two days ago.

Here are my thoughts: Take the time you need for the next update. If you have a creative hole, that's totally ok. I'm always happy when I see updates, but: I personally prefer to wait a bit longer if you can see that quality and sweat has been put into the final product - something I notice here. I may not have experience with the software you're using, but I can imagine that the more characters are woven into the plot, the more complicated it gets, and then the risk of bugs increases and finding them can become like looking for a needle in a haystack. Don't let it get you down and keep working on your project the way it works best for you. Private things and your own health are, even outside of this crazy time we are in, more important than satisfying some people on the internet, many of whom you can't please anyway.

I think the game is great. Normally I'm not a fan of having a relatively realistic plot mixed with supernatural scenarios, but here is a pleasant mix of humour (Judie had me with Hippolas Cage, still laugh when I think about it). What I also like are the male NPCs who act as support to the MC and add another absurdly funny touch to the humour (I was sure I would regret letting Mike go the first time and oh boy was I wrong). Keep your style and humour for future games. It stands out from the crowd and adds to the replay value, even if you make the same choices.