You need to make a character json, there's an example in the repo.
Someone is putting together a guide here:
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The community was actually really amazing helping fill out the extra characters. I definitely could not have done it all on my own.
I would actually like to come up with a way to dynamically load characters at runtime, so we could even support customs. I have some ideas, but have been mostly taking a break from dev'ing on this at the moment.
Adding a "legal matchmaking/all matchmaking" is trivial when it comes time for that, of course.
Currently, you can only copy it from in the game (Button in the combat log) and then paste it in the box to replay it.
And depending on browser you can't even copy it out of the app.
I'd like to figure out how to hack up the html5 to let you copy it correctly, but haven't gotten to it.
Definitely some feature work to actually just see existing games and replay them.