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A member registered Oct 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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Excellent Fonts!

Thank you! Your comment made my day :)

The cave painting is a nice touch and the music is well picked. A cute little game. The AI may be basic, but smart enough to defeat me

Thank you for the feedback! A check like that is tricky, but I try to implement it.

Thank you so much!

Very charming game. The story and artwork add a lot to the simple mechanic. Smashing the poor eggies against the wall was a funny and cruel contrast to the cutesy style. The voice over gave it a high value feeling.

I think the gameplay could have been refined a bit more. It's tough to predict how the eggs will fly and quite easy to shot by accident when skipping the load animation. The music felt a bit odd to my ears but that's personal preference.

Thank you :)

Cool game with interesting mechanics to explore. I really like the graphics and the effects you created for the skills. Trying them out was interesting and fun, you managed to pack quite a lot in. It was a bit confusing, lacking a clear direction and feedback from the  sounds. But a nice submission overall!

Thank you! There was indeed a bug in that question, sorry!

A neat little game! Doing a 3D Racer in godot is ambitious, i failed at that before and know the trouble. The controls and handling are pretty weird,  but you get used to it. I found the racing track good looking and really creative. The low poly cars are decent but I think their color could be improved. Some motor sound effects would have done a lot, but at least the music is nice.

Despite its flaws its a charming submission, thanks for your work!

The game will not run properly without connection to the Internet. If you have problems, please check your firewall. I will try to add offline-mode ASAP.

I love the visual style, very unique and coherent with a retro feel.

The block moving mechanic is so cool! Really well done.

Getting the keys is challenging and the length is just right. A nice submission!

Thanks a lot!

Thank you a lot for this kind feedback and playing my little game :)

A cute little game with a polished feel! I agree with the others, diagonal movement is the only thing that was feeling missing.

Amazing visuals and I really like the ship hacking aspect, haven't seen that in a Shmup before and it's fun and motivating to cycle try the ships out. Beyond that, it's a well done but standard feeling shooter that plays a bit too hard and chaotic for my personal taste. The screenshake is a bit overdone, making me almost nauseous at times. The audio is well done but when there's a lot of action going on the mixing adds to the chaotic feel of gameplay.

Very original idea and well executed. The visuals are simple but smartly used to create a nice feel for the world. The events and their writing are very motivating to explore, even if there's not too many. The general flow of the game is a bit confusing and takes time to get into, but being succesful feels quite rewarding. I could see this as a base for a great and unique game!

Incredible game for the scope of a jam! Full of great details to appreciate, things like the level selection screen give it a very mature feel. The audio is also great.
Things to improve:
The bury/unbury mechanic seems to have no real purpose, but I may not have gotten it right.
It's quite confusing in the first runs, some tutorial or ingame guide texts would have gone a long way.
The ingame lighting is a bit dark and the models, while incredible for a jam game, don't have a coherent look.

Still a massive and impressing game, well done!

Thanks :)

Thank you a lot for your feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it :) We indeed plan to release a version with a bit more polish and content.

Thanks a lot!

I'm very glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the feedback!

Thank you a lot :)

Neat little game! I like the idea, execution, and perfectly fitting graphics. Slashing the innocent feels very satisfying.

Thank you! We will communicate this better in an updated version :)

A great submission! You found an innovative and fun mechanic and designed around that. The moment i jumped into the first decent and expected to die, then got flipped was so good.

The graphics are simplistic but look decent and don't get in the way of gameplay. The music you picked is nice, but very overused - I was wishing for a button to turn it off, but keep the effects.

In terms of gameplay i have nothing to point out, it's just a well made, fun game. Good Job!!

I'm very glad to hear you could enjoy the game now :)

In an eventual post game version, i'll definitely change the action handling based on your feedback. Thanks!

Thank you for the feedback, it's much appreciated :)

Thanks a lot for the praise and valid criticism :) I'll try to improve on each point!

Thanks for your feedback! The blackscreen on game start is a godot related issue from my understanding and is out of our hands to fix :(

You can leave the "action mode" with right click or escape key. I understand this is not intuitive, however, the game is not stuck in these states.

Really cool game guys. I was impressed by the huge levels and details in design. Love that you managed to tell a horror story that actually surprised me. You managed to create a  very unique feeling. The boss level with the music and final fight was really nice too. The soundeffects were also well picked. The only thing that bothered me was finding a way  through the maze, some points of interest to navigate would have helped.

Really nice submission, great work everybody!

Really cool game :) Didn't notice in time. Why don't you join us over at the wildjam discord mate?

Don't feel bad! Thanks a lot for playing :)

Hey, leider weiß ich nicht wie euer Spiel funktioniert und die Itch seite, wo es eventuell steht, möchte ein Passwort :)

Wahnsinnig schönes Spiel! Großes Kompliment an die Artists. Ihr habt ein echt schönes, großes Level gebaut. Leider scheitert es bei mir an der Steuerung, ich habe beim zweiten schweren Sprung aufgeben müssen. Weiß nicht ob es an meiner Hardware lag, aber konnte mit meinem Gamepad zwar laufen, aber nicht springen. Das wäre sicher einfacher gewesen.

Sehr lustiges Game :D Die Grafiken gefallen mir gut, das drehende Sprite erinnert an Paper Mario.  Sticht auf jeden Fall schön raus. Der Sound trägt gut zum Humor des Spieles bei. Das gameplay ist sehr einfach, aber funktioniert. Ein bisschen Momentum hätte dem Spieler Movement sicher gut getan.

Schöne Idee, lustiges Feedback für den Spieler und schicker Artstyle.
Das Tempo könnte für meinen Geschmack schneller starten oder zunehmen, der Abstand der Fische variieren. Dann könnte man sich glatt an den Job gewöhnen :D

Thank you a lot for your kind words! :)

Thank you so much! :)

Dankeschön! Cool euch hier zu sehen. War mit Kinematics Art die Community zu führen nicht einverstanden und bin nach seinem Statement vor kurzem gegangen.