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A member registered Sep 22, 2021

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(1 edit)

Great puzzles!

The last room is a bit complicated, I had to go back several times to build a complete path to the exit, but that was worth it.

(2 edits)

2 and 3 are likely two sides of the same door.

1 is probably a way to reach the vertical tunnel were you end up after the first round with the wheel while controlling the gargoyle.

These are probably just artifacts so the whole map makes sense.

On the other end, there is some hidden room with additional information about the factory.

I'm still not sure if there is an additional secret since the hidden room doesn't mention the sunken city as did the secret rooms from the previous games of the series.

Oh OK, I should have come back to the crow, thanks!

This is really well done, I like this kind of games and you made a great one!

really great game!

is it possible the finish the game or is it work in progress?

I'm currently stuck after bringing all the crow asked me, interacted with all the characters and trying all doors/caverns. I have no idea what is supposed to give me either crow song. I have all the to-do II checked...

I also agree with the backtracking being OK. I actually liked the game so it is no problem to navigate in it.

I couldn't remember how to reach the water place where you get the burger so i ended up drawing the outline of the map to find my way (no more than wall/roof/floor). If the map could do that automatically when a tile is visited, I don't think it would make the game really easier, just less tedious/player's memory intensive.

Great game anyway!

(6 edits)

Oh yes, sorry, you're right obviously!

EDIT: Now I got them all!

I did NOT expect that for the red shoes...

Am I missing something or has a yellow not registered and is somehow missing now ?

Thanks! I've collected 9 yellows and there is one red I can take but can't validate.

I've been in all tiles but one, I think I should dig a little more the different combinations I can get with the pink/blue switches...

It took me some time to find all the tricks necessary to get all the greens, although there are still some yellow that I have absolutely no idea how to get...

Great game, though!

at least, if you looked carefully at the painting, you should have a clue for a next puzzle ;)

(2 edits)

Really great game! Both the graphics, mechanics and design of the levels.

If you are interested in bugs I've found:

  • in world 3-9, the sign showing the exit is ticked instead of displaying the amount of ore required
  • when you get a gem in a level, if you self destruct the gem won't appear again although you don't really have it. You need to refresh the game so that you can properly take it while finishing the level
  • for some reason, if you self-destruct first, then level select in a "multi-path" level you will reappear in another level than the one you were in

Regarding high-scores, I finally equated or beat them all (2-11 was really difficult to find the correct trick to equate it). Several levels can be beaten by 1 move, while 2 levels were hard to equate because I was off by 1, which led to a bug I'm not sure of: for some levels it seems that the end count can be off by 1 sometimes, and sometimes not. Doing the same circuit on level 1-10 gives 61 or 60, so I had a hard time equating the high scores. For level 2-11 I had the same issue were I did the exact same circuit twice and only equated the high score the second time. Since I beat almost half of the level by 1 move, it seems to me there is something off with the final count in some circumstances.

Anyway, that was fun and interesting to play, thanks!

First, thanks for this great game. I started to play on version 0.15, and I actually liked discovering new lore after updates :)

I played it on Linux, both app and browser, and found the following issues:

- When getting back to Sludge Wastes subway, I get a blackscreen. The controls still work and I can kill Val by going to the right. After that, Val respawns at the station I took to go to Sludge Waste, and not at in a save area.

- In Night Market, there are at least to spot where Val will respawn right above electrified wires when wounded, one is a pit with said wires at the bottom, and the other is right after a jump sprite that leads to an elevated area with electrified wires. While I would be fine with Val being killed instantly if this is what is expected, having to wait for the HP to reach 0 while continually watching Val get electrocuted is a bit frustrating ;)

- Before reaching Night Market, there are two plasma cells that are reachable, which extends the HP by 16. After getting the bonuses there are at least 3 others that can be taken, but the HP only gets incremented by 16 instead of 24. I have once seen a fourth cell available in Flynn's shop, however it either disapears if I miss it on the first attempt, or is simply not there in the latest patch update.

- In some cases I can't reproduce realiably, when passing through a wing, Val will jump by herself in the air. Typically, in the area where an elevator has been added to reach the lady of the lake, sometimes only one jump is necessary and Val will be ejected to the roof with no particular key combination that I know of.

Anyway, I really liked playing your game and look forward for the beta release! :) Thanks a lot!